Fic: Jack Harkness and The Goblet Fire

Jun 23, 2009 19:32

Title:Jack Harkness and The Goblet of Fire
Series: Torchwood
Characterss: Jack/Ianto
Rating: Definitely R
Spoilers: Basic Torchwood Knowledge
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: Jack and Ianto have a movie night with some interesting surprises.
Author's notes:For chicago_girl_07 who pushed me to finish the novel that is my TARDIS Big-Bang and for being a great cheerleading when it comes to writing. Although this prompted me to shout "I can't! I'm trying to write two men making out to Harry Potter!" at my father today when he tried to hand me the phone. Thank you Torchwood; chalk another one up for things I never thought I would utter. So, as if I needed to write any more, I give you the following story.

Jack Harkness and The Goblet of Fire

Jack trounced through the cog door and into the quiet Hub. He was more than thrilled that the call from the hospital had only been a simple Declan egg. Owen and him had easily removed it and dispatched with the hovering mother and youngling, then he sent Owen home. He had already sent Tosh and Gwen home and couldn’t wait to get back to the quiet evening in him and Ianto had planned.

Shrugging out of his coat, Jack looked around the Hub. He wondered just where Ianto had disappeared to. He listened intently and then he smiled as he heard Ianto’s laugh echo down from the conference room. Jack smirked as he realized they hadn’t christened the conference room table itself. Owen’s chair? That was a different story.

Jack practically sprinted up the stairs, tossing the coat over some railing. He skidded to a stop just inside the conference room. Ianto sat there, still in his trousers, but with his tie and jacket gone. His shirt was open, revealing his tight chest. He sat there nibbling on popcorn and watching a movie. Ianto looked so adorable, Jack wanted to start nibbling on him.

“Finished already?” Ianto asked without taking his eyes off the flat screen at the other end of the room.

“Luckily it was a quick birth,” Jack replied, pulling out the chair behind Ianto.

“Get rid of Owen?”

“I sent him home.” Jack put his chin on Ianto’s shoulder. He nestled his cheek up against Ianto’s, loving the feel of him, the beginning of scruff he could feel on Ianto’s cheek. “What are you watching?”

“Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I thought you were going to be longer, so I put in the movie. I had rented it two weeks ago, but have not had time to watch it yet.”

Ianto ate a small handful of popcorn and then held a couple of kernels up to Jack’s mouth. Jack loped out his tongue, snagging the kernels, accidentally licking one of Ianto’s fingers all the way up to the tip.

Swallowing the popcorn, Jack asked, “How much longer?”

“It’s nearly over,” Ianto replied as the characters on the screen suddenly found themselves inside of a cemetery.

“Wait. What happened there?”

He could feel the sigh in Ianto’s body despite the fact that he did not vocalize it. “That would be a portkey,” Ianto said.


“It’s a transport device, except it only works between two locations, like an express.” Ianto took a sip of the beer that sat on the table next to him.

“So why are they in the cemetery?” Jack nipped the popcorn Ianto held out to him, gently tasting Ianto’s fingers in the process.

This time Ianto did vocalize the sigh. “Harry and Cedric were at the end of the Tri-Wizard tournament when Lord Voldemort, the really evil guy, enchanted the cup. The cup took them to the cemetery where they will now meet up with Voldemort and his evil minions.”

Jack watched a moment and then sat there shocked. “Did they just kill a kid?”

“Had to, they really want Harry and Cedric got in the way. They used Cedric to get at Harry. It was better in the book. I cried then.” Iano shivered and then took another sip of the beer.

Jack put his fingers on Ianto’s wrist, circling it with just his fingertips. He then walked his fingers up Ianto’s arm to his shoulder. Jack ran his hand down Ianto’s shoulder and to his bare chest, his fingertips lightly tracing Ianto’s nipples.

“You really like this?” Jack nestled his nose against Ianto’s ear.

“I do. The books were phenomenal, and they did pretty well with the movies.” Ianto snacked on a couple pieces of popcorn. “Actually, I follow it a lot. I have all the books autographed by J.K. Rowling and even follow the fandom on The Leaky Cauldron.”

Jack made the laugh that threatened to come out sound like a cough. It was sweet that Ianto trusted Jack with this side of himself. Jack wrapped his other arm around Ianto’s waist, holding him tight, glad Ianto had let him in.

“What House would you be in?” Jack asked, kissing Ianto on the cheek.

He could feel the warmth as Ianto blushed. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be in Slytherin, but every internet test I take always put me in Ravenclaw.”

“What about me?” Jack nipped at Ianto’s ear.

“If you weren’t in Slytherin, you would definitely be in Gryffindor.” Ianto’s hand moved up and grasped Jack’s hand on his chest. Ianto interlaced his fingers with Jack’s, balancing the bowl of popcorn on his lap.

“Slytherin? You really think I would be put into Slytherin?”

“You could be.” Ianto turned to Jack. “But now, definitely Gryffindor.”

Ianto leaned in, kissing Jack on the lips. Jack held his lips against Ianto’s not wanting to let him leave. Ianto finally pulled away, smiling. He popped some of the popcorn into his mouth, smirking.

“When the movie’s over. It’s almost done,” Ianto said.

He turned back to the flat screen and held out a small handful of popcorn to Jack. Jack leaned over his shoulder and nearly deep-throated Ianto’s whole hand. He slowly released Ianto’s fingers, sliding his lips along them, lastly snagging the popcorn. He then began to chew and looked back up at the screen.

Jack promptly began to choke. The popcorn he had started to chew got caught in his throat as his eyes grew wide. Ianto turned around facing Jack. He put his hand on Jack’s back, thumping it. When Jack finally swallowed the food he stared at the man being interrogated on the screen; watched his tongue flick in and out.

“What’s wrong?” Ianto asked.

“That man! Who is that man?” Jack pointed at the screen. He fumbled for the remote on the table and hit the “pause” button.

Ianto looked between the screen and Jack. "That's Barty Crouch, Jr. He's one of the bad guys."

"No! What's the name of the guy playing him?" Jack felt like he was about to jump out of his skin. It couldn't be, it just couldn't be. The Doctor was never that outwards about anything as to be seen acting in a movie on Earth.

"That's David Tennant. He's a British actor, quite good if I do say so myself," Ianto stated. "Jack, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Jack said, finally remembering to breathe. "He's an actor? What other things has he done?"

Jack let Ianto take his hand, allowing him to slowly caress it. He knew what he was doing, he was trying to calm Jack down, which only made Jack wonder how upset he looked. Jack took a deep breath and released it bit by bit.

"He starred in Casanova, Blackpool, has done a lot of Shakespeare…" Ianto stared at him. "Do you know him?"

"He… he, uh, looks like someone I know. A little surprising." Jack looked down at his and Ianto's hands, intertwined. He would be here, with Ianto, right now. At least for this moment in time he was here. The Doctor could wait.

Jack smirked at the thought of the Doctor as an actor. Sure, he's been a lot of things, but an actor? He would have to ask him about that the next time he ran into him, whenever that would be.

Jack moved his chair closer so Ianto's knees were touching his. He put Ianto's hands in his lap. "Sorry, it was just a surprise." He smirked at Ianto. "How about we give up on the movie?"

"Are you sure? You don't want to talk about who this person is?" Ianto leaned in to him and gave him a kiss, his lips light on Jack's.

"I will. I promise. Some other time," Jack said as he quickly kissed Ianto back.

"I'll hold you to that," Ianto said, standing up. He turned the movie off and looked down at Jack, holding his hand out. "Your bed?"

Jack grasped Ianto's hand and pulled him down into his lap. Ianto moved his leg over and straddled Jack. Jack leaned in and kissed Ianto on the chest. Once. Twice. And then circled Ianto's nipple with his tongue. The Doctor wasn't the only one who could do interesting things with his tongue.

"How about we stay here? We haven't tested how sturdy this table is. It would be one more thing checked off the Torchwood to-do list."

"Or your personal conquest list?"

"Why not both?" Jack grinned and worked his hand down Ianto's trousers.

harry potter, torchwood, fanfic, jack harkness, ianto jones

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