Second Clue - Text/Commentlog

Dec 24, 2009 10:49

I guess I lost a month somewhere, since it's apparently December now. Well, merry Christmas or whatever holiday everyone celebrates in the winter!

[ Rookie can be non-denominational, see? If anyone's looking for him, they'll find him on the snowy jogging track on Deck Two, out for a run in his armor. What? It's warm! And also face-obscuring. ]

!commentlog, let it snow, this boat is weird, !the arbiter

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defiant_rage December 24 2009, 20:27:38 UTC
[Oh hey, Rookie, look who just happens to be stalking Deck Two in a huff. He's still agitated over his random encounter with the ship elf... and when he sees you, he stops.

He knows that armor. He's slain countless of your types of soldiers. And he can't believe one of you has shown up here.]


huragokwhistler December 24 2009, 20:45:32 UTC
[ He slows to a stop when he spots... oh geeze, it's an Elite. He'd been hoping the Covie he'd talked to was a cocky and overbearing Jackal.

An Elite in weird armor. Rookie hadn't seen that armor before. Then again, he hadn't exactly seen an Elite since stepping foot in New Mombasa which was just strange. But no matter. He pipes up.]



defiant_rage December 24 2009, 20:47:45 UTC
[Ripa, eight feet tall and covered in ceremonial silver plating, stands absolutely still. His orange eyes blaze into the Rookie's visor.]

Even here, your race tries to plague and halt the Great Journey. Your heresy will end here, by my hands.


huragokwhistler December 24 2009, 20:58:03 UTC
[ Rookie straightens up to his full 6 feet 1 inches, visor gazing back implacably. It would look ridulous to start typing, so he forces himself to string words together. ]

Only 'Great Journey' here's gonna be my boot going up your ass.


defiant_rage December 24 2009, 21:00:13 UTC
[Ripa laughs, a harsh and evil sound.]

The cur finds the courage to speak! Your last words will be your begs for mercy! Prepare yourself, worthless human, for total decimation by my divine hand!

((OOC: It can be fight time naow? :> ))


huragokwhistler December 24 2009, 21:21:06 UTC
You talk too much.

[ He shifts on his feet, getting ready to dodge or lunge. Well. Merry Christmas? ]

((Fight tiem can totally be nao :D))


defiant_rage December 24 2009, 21:34:17 UTC
[Ripa takes care of the lunging part-- but he's not wasting any effort. Immediately the sharpened knives click out and swing forward from underneath his wrist guards. They're not plasma swords, but they'll do-- with enough force.

The first swing of his blade comes hard and fast, aimed for the Rookie's stomach.]


huragokwhistler December 24 2009, 22:15:49 UTC
[ The knives weren't something he'd expected, and he's suddenly more thankful he's wearing his armor. He jerks backwards and to the side, feeling the blade glance off his chestplate. Too close for comfort and for being unarmed. The Rookie makes a grab for the Elite's wrist. ]


defiant_rage December 25 2009, 01:40:29 UTC
[Ripa growls as those loathsome fingers curl around his wrist. He brings his other arm forward, attempting to grab onto the ODST and pry him off with a snarl.]


huragokwhistler December 25 2009, 03:43:21 UTC
[ J.D. is trying to find some way to unhook the Elite's gauntlet or get that knife off of him when he sees that other hand coming out of the corner of one eye. Unfortunately he can't quite get away before he's grabbed, but keeps his fingers curled into his armor. ]


defiant_rage December 25 2009, 04:04:28 UTC
[Ripa roars in delight as he feels his hands close around he human's arm. He would like to toss the ODST against the nearest wall, but he can't quite manage that with the pest clinging to him like this.

Instead he dashes for the wall. If the Rookie won't let go, he's just going to smash him.]


huragokwhistler December 25 2009, 05:15:23 UTC
[ A stab of worry and terror stings in the base of his spine. He's engaged in hand-to-hand combat with an Elite that seems a lot bigger and muscly than the one's she's used to. And they're moving. Towards a wall. Bad bad bad.

He's still got an arm free, though. And there's an awful lot of armor plating that he can grab onto. The Rookie tries to use their momentum to hop high enough to nab Ripa's shoulder plate. ]


defiant_rage December 25 2009, 05:22:09 UTC
[The Elite growls dangerously as he feels the human attempting to slip from his grasp. When the human grabs onto his shoulder armor, he stops running and squeezes the arm he has a hold of as hard as he can, trying to pain the human into releasing him.]


huragokwhistler December 25 2009, 05:29:04 UTC
[ He can feel the plating of his BDU bending, and under there he is hurting. But he's an ODST, one of his own brand of elite. He grunts in pain and starts trying to jerk his caught arm away, but manages to keep his hold. ]


defiant_rage December 25 2009, 05:31:37 UTC
Release me, you pest, or you forsake your arm!

[The Arbiter resumes trying to dislodge the ODST through force.]


huragokwhistler December 25 2009, 05:39:26 UTC
Small price to end you, monster!

[ Ow. OW. OW! The Rookie, dangling off a mass of armored fury, is finally starting to wonder if he bit off more than he could chew. He bites back the pain, swinging his legs in a half-cocked attempt to kick the Elite somewhere that isn't covered in silver armor. ]


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