[In her time being blind, Rip's adjusted... more or less. Today she's attempting to wander outside the house. Being inside for so long was starting to get to her! She needed to be outside, to wander and hopefully maim some poor unsuspecting creature.
At her side is her faithful hell cat, attempting to look after her Mistress. More or less, when she'
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I heard you were out of the sniping business for a while.
[At that she can't help but giggle and its a less.. than sane giggle.]
I helped to start zhe var~. My death vas a small price to pay.
[Sure, he doesn't actually know either, but he's taken part of ending wars before they start. Probably, given Black Ops history.]
Oh I am certain~. My death trapped zhe zides greatest veapon at zea~. London vill burn und zhe war vill spread. It does not matter zhat our troups die~. Ve merely vant var for zhe sake of zhe glorious bloodshed und death~.
Such a vonderful symphony it iz.
Wars aren't needed for those reasons. If it was just for that, terrorist cells could be enough. You sure that's the only motivation, or the only one you care 'bout?
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