Title: The Proper Way
hunterwithcausePairing/Characters: Jack, Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 987
Disclaimer: Torchwood doesn't belong to me but RTD and the BBC
Summary: You have to do things properly.
Author Notes: This follows
Son of Harry, the first fic of what is hopefully going to be a Jack meets the Jones' series. Comments are much appreciated and if you spot any mistakes, please let me know.
The Proper Way
“I'd like to come with you.”
Ianto turned around to find Jack leaning casually against the railing opposite the little kitchenette.
“I'd like to come with you. When you're going to visit your family.” Jack added at Ianto's blank stare; “Your mother's birthday?”
Ianto rolled his eyes. “Jack, I'm not going home for my mum's birthday.” He took Jack's mug from the shelf and fixed him a cup.
“Why not?”
Jack frowned and automatically took the mug Ianto pressed into his hand as the Welshman moved around him and stated calmly: “Because, sir, the Rift is going to act up, or Weevils decide to try and take over Marks & Spencer or any number of things will happen that will prevent me from seeing my family for my mother's birthday, and if I have to make them up. Why are you so persistent?”
Jack followed Ianto as he moved around the Hub, clearing away litter and straightening things. The familiar, constant hum of the various machines and clicking of keys from Tosh's workstation suddenly made him feel less secure. It's been months since he came back, since that year that never was, but sometimes, just sometimes, he still felt like an outsider. Unwanted.
“It's just, you know. With this job, it's easy to, ah, lose your humanity, I guess and I happen to think that keeping in touch with your family is the best way to, you know, stop it from happening.”
Ianto stared aghast at Jack. “This,” he said “is, with due respect, sir, the most presumptuous thing you have ever said. And there's quite a list.” The clicking paused before resuming again, the beat a bit more hesitant than before. “I would understand a comment such as that from Gwen, but--” A horrified look crossed Ianto's face. “Please tell me you didn't discuss my family with Gwen.”
Jack shifted uncomfortably.
“Oh no, no, you didn't. Do you hear me, Jack? You didn't. The humi-- If she offers me to talk about it or starts giving me advice about how to balance Torchwood and my family, by god, I will shoot her.”
“I didn't talk to Gwen,” Jack said, irritated. “I just didn't think it healthy for you to cut yourself off of your family, so excuse me for being concerned. For heaven's sake, Tosh!” He bellowed, “Go home!”
“It's barely four!” She called back surprised, finally stopping typing.
“I don't care! Go home! And tell Owen and Gwen that unless they found signs of an impending apocalypse they don't have to bother to come back, either! And when you're going, shut some of these damn machines off, please.”
He stalked into his office and slammed the door.
God, the 21st century was irritating.
Jack stared at the paperwork in front of him, tapping an irregular beat against his desk with his pen.
“Tosh has gone home.”
“I know.”
“I called Owen and Gwen to let them know that they could go home. They didn't find anything, seems to be a false alarm.”
“I powered down most of those damn machines that save the planet on a regular basis.”
Jack nodded in acknowledgement and rustled the paper.
Ianto sighed.
“Is this about me not wanting to go home?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Casually, non-chalantly. He didn't give a damn. “But seeing as you're mentioning it, why is it that you don't want to go home?” Ah, crap. He looked up at Ianto.
“Why is it so important to you that I do?” Ianto countered.
Jack frowned, thinking about it. “We went to the movies. Twice.” He said. Ianto looked taken aback by the non-sequitur. “We had dinner. Not just take-away here or at yours, but at a proper restaurant, me paying and all. We even went on a walk in the park last week.”
“Last week? Jack, we were chasing a Weevil.”
“In the park.”
“Does it matter?” Ianto asked, coming around the desk to lean against it next to Jack. Their knees almost touched.
“Yes. We went on dates, had sex. Had lots of sex, actually. So the next step would be to meet the parents, right?”
Seeing that Ianto wasn't getting what Jack was trying to say, he tried a different approach; “I told you when I came back, I want to do this properly this time 'round. And that includes meeting the family, getting stared down by the father, gushed over by the mother and threatened by the older siblings. Your brother said the whole family would be at your mother's for her birthday, I could get it all done and over with in one go. Well, not the getting stared down by your father, obviously, but maybe your brother could do that part.”
“I-- Jack,” Ianto seemed at a loss of words. He shifted a bit, bringing their knees into contact, “One, you make me sound like a blushing virgin, bringing home her first boyfriend. Please, stop. Second, you don't have to meet my family to 'do this properly'. I thought we were doing just fine.”
“We were, we are. But I want to meet your family.”
“You do?”
Ianto looked at Jack for a moment. Jack calmly gazed back at him.
“Fine?” He repeated.
Ianto smiled. “It's a date.”
Take My Hand