Lost and Found (Part Two)

Nov 19, 2017 16:17

Title: Lost and Found
Artist: liliaeth
Author: hunters_retreat
Other Pairing(if applicable): Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Boys in space
Summary:  Jensen was the first captain to see this side of the universe.  His ship was the most advanced made, an experimental beauty, with a crew ready to explore.  Of course, they hadn't counted on second rate backup ( Read more... )

setting: futuristic, setting: space, challenge: big bang, genre:pre-slash, au, fanfic: rps

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Comments 2

zubeneschamali November 30 2017, 01:20:24 UTC
I really love this! Such an interesting idea of the soul-cloud, and I love that Jensen became quasi-human again without even trying. Bacon and coffee and Jared are definitely worth becoming human for. :) I would love to see more of these guys!


hunters_retreat February 1 2018, 04:45:42 UTC
Thank you so much! This was one of those out of control ideas that just ran away on it's own :P So glad it came out okay :P I may have to come back for another round with these guys. Quite frankly.... I love that rock. :P


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