
Sep 04, 2013 19:50

Title: Sir
Author: hunters_retreat
Rating: PG-13
Warning: attempt at steampunk in space!
Summary:  The pistol had taken his attention but once the captain spoke, Jared could see past the weapon to plush lips and a spattering of freckles over the bridge of a pale nose.
Author's Note: written for My trope Bingo Card for my au:other spot.  I chose au:steampunk ( ( Read more... )

challenge: bingo, setting: space, setting: steampunk, au, genre: pre-slash, fanfic: rps

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Comments 8

supersockie September 5 2013, 03:20:06 UTC
Squee! J2 and steampunk? I'm in heaven. I love the idea of Sir and his boy stealing medical equipment and taking it to the poorer outer worlds. Hope you feel like writing more of this, I'd love to read more. Thanks for making my day!


hunters_retreat September 6 2013, 04:43:57 UTC
LOL! I think I could be persuaded to write more some day :P I did love playing with these two! So glad you enjoyed!


kanecrazy September 5 2013, 06:24:35 UTC
Sorry that I don't know "steampunk" but I very much like this story so I guess it's high time I learn steampunk. I second the motion that there be more of this.


hunters_retreat September 6 2013, 04:48:02 UTC
ROFL! Steampunk is hard to explain. I'm not sure I can explain it accurately but I love what I know so far :P Think Victorian era manners with steam powered tech but with a far more modern look at things. So glad you enjoyed this attempt at it :P


ferrous_wheeler September 5 2013, 10:09:55 UTC
Gotta love steampunk and space pirates! So many possibilities with this - any chance for more? :)


hunters_retreat September 6 2013, 04:50:02 UTC
There is always a chance for more. You know me :P They were awfully fun to play with. I might have to learn some more about them in the future!


laurathelurker September 28 2013, 06:12:58 UTC
Well that was a very nice start and now if you ever feel like delving into their further adventures that would make me happy.


hunters_retreat September 29 2013, 02:27:52 UTC
ROFL! I figured as soon as I wrote this one that I would be back :P So glad you enjoyed it!


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