If You Don't Mind, I Will

Sep 03, 2013 23:39

Title: If You Don't Mind, I Will
Author: hunters_retreat
Rating: NC-17
Warning: knotting in space, prison au-ish
Summary: "Damn it, Jared, I realized I was in love with you and no matter how I tried to stop it, I felt the bond forming.  I was becoming something, for you.”
Author's Note: written for My trope Bingo Card prompt of handcuffed/bound together. And ( Read more... )

challenge: bingo, setting: futuristic, genre: slash, au, fanfic: rps

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Comments 22

mangacat201 September 4 2013, 10:32:07 UTC
Oh, there's like a gazillion little details that blow this wide open that you somehow managed to weld together in a way that made it still easy to follow. And hey, soulbond!knotting-fic in space? HELL YEAH.


hunters_retreat September 5 2013, 01:36:34 UTC
Thank you so much hon! I wasn't sure where this was going but I just went along for the ride and had fun with it. Glad you liked it!


your_byron September 4 2013, 11:17:36 UTC
Awesome! Space and knotting and mating/love bonds- my favourite things.


hunters_retreat September 5 2013, 01:36:55 UTC
Some of my favorite things too! Glad you enjoyed it!


frostfalcon September 4 2013, 11:56:10 UTC
Interesting, very different and so much detail for a story of it's length... it's like there should be so much more. Thanks for sharing!


hunters_retreat September 5 2013, 01:37:18 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it.


bt_kady September 4 2013, 14:46:30 UTC
I was wondering... is this part of an already established verse? Because, if not, it needs to be one. There's so much info here I had trouble following because it reads, at least to me, as if the reader should already have read previous stories to understand all the details. Maybe I'm dense, but I did enjoy this. I just need a lot more. Some back-history, maybe?


hunters_retreat September 5 2013, 01:38:33 UTC
It isn't actually. I wanted to make my trope bingo card of entirely new stuff (all set in space) and this is just what happens when I let myself go :P Sorry that you had trouble following the details. It was meant to be a fun read and not too deep :P


bt_kady September 5 2013, 02:57:17 UTC
It's just me, then. No worries. I still enjoyed it. If, at some point, you feel like adding to it, I'd love to read more.


saltandburnboys September 4 2013, 23:12:02 UTC
Love! Love space AU; love weird bonding punishment (very original and cool); love the A/B/O aspect! So, yeah, I loved everything about this!

*Whipsers* would love a timestamp *Whspers* :-D :-D

Thanks so much for sharing!



hunters_retreat September 5 2013, 01:39:25 UTC
ROFL! They said handcuffed or bound on the prompt and I thought... huh... handcuffed BY bonding! :P LOL! I can see myself returning here again sometime.


saltandburnboys September 5 2013, 02:07:24 UTC
:-D :-D :-D



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