Getting to Know You

Sep 04, 2012 17:40

Title: Getting to Know You
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Warning: This is my high schoolish AU knotting bonded boys in space story. 
Summary: He pressed his lips to Jensen’s in a kiss that was far gentler than they’d been sharing the last few weeks.  Jensen was starting to see the real Jared though, the man outside of the heat cycle, and ( Read more... )

setting: space, genre: slash, sequel, au, challenge: misc., alldunns fault, fanfic: rps

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Comments 20

katsheswims September 5 2012, 01:39:35 UTC
This was great!

And I really want to see another sequel where Jensen does show up at a rally, and the discrimination is eased somewhat! (Though of course it would be slow to start, but with protests it's on the way!)


hunters_retreat September 7 2012, 21:36:01 UTC
LOL! His sister is definitely trying to make it work! We'll have to see if the muse let's me take the boys further. So glad you enjoyed it!


gypsy_atavari September 5 2012, 04:51:03 UTC
This is fantastic! I went back to read the first story too and this verse is captivating. :-)


hunters_retreat September 7 2012, 21:36:19 UTC
So glad you liked it hon! I had a great time writing this world!


cappy712 September 5 2012, 18:11:59 UTC
That was a great follow up and I love the whole idea. Thank you for sharing.


hunters_retreat September 7 2012, 21:35:02 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it!


alldunn September 5 2012, 22:40:32 UTC
Look at you, throwing plot into hot knotty sex.

I like the ideas you are developing here. That the alpha/omega is something separate from the person, like a personality within them that they have to control, but their heat brings out strong. I also like that the omega is not a needy mess because of the heat. Okay, Jared is a needy mess, but he doesn't roll over and beg for it, he demands it. It's a different perspective than I've seen.


hunters_retreat September 7 2012, 21:39:50 UTC
LOL! You know I have problem making PWP without adding some plot... it just sneaks in there and I can't help it... :P

And thank you! I liked separating Jensen from his alpha. And I have to admit that one of my biggest issues with omega stories are the fact that they're never able to do anything but beg for a knot. I liked the idea of Jared being aggressive in his own right and having to be locked away to keep from hurting anyone until Jensen got there :p And damn... but I really liked this world and I might have to write something longer in it....


sadritsuka12 September 6 2012, 04:54:32 UTC
love it....


hunters_retreat September 7 2012, 21:40:04 UTC
Thank you so much!


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