Title: Water Cooler Author: hunters_retreat Fandom: Criminal Minds/Leverage/NCIS/Supernatural Pairing: Gen Summary: A former Massad agent, a federal agent, a hitter, and a hunter walk into a bar... Author's Note:comment_fic ! ( Water Cooler )
MAEWHAWEhEAWHEAWHewahaewHEWAhEWAHWAEewa... They way they just talked around each other and all that, such FUN... seriously, but Dean is just the best. It's 'Mossad' though, right? Cat
I saw different spellings of Mossad so I could be wrong.. I might have to hit up the NCIS fandom to make sure... I know they'd be able to correct me :P
And yes! I enjoy the way they're all talking about different people they work with and it's not until Dean gets into it that you're like WTF??? :P Good times!
It makes me want one of those posters... you know... the ones that were made to look like the 50s with all the dead actors/musicians inside them??? We need one with all the best characters from each fandom :P
OMG! *giggles* they have NO idea! ahhahahahahahahaha!!!! so awesome. soooo awesome! Dean rocks (and the others... well, not really the office type of guys either LOL!) *rolls on floor*
Comments 12
It's 'Mossad' though, right?
And yes! I enjoy the way they're all talking about different people they work with and it's not until Dean gets into it that you're like WTF??? :P Good times!
It makes me want one of those posters... you know... the ones that were made to look like the 50s with all the dead actors/musicians inside them??? We need one with all the best characters from each fandom :P
so awesome. soooo awesome! Dean rocks (and the others... well, not really the office type of guys either LOL!)
*rolls on floor*
any chance for a longer version?
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