Everything Good in the World

Jun 28, 2015 18:38

Title: Everything Good In The World
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Series: The HPOE Saga
Summary: Sam finds a hunt that Dean has trouble believing in.
Author's Note: This was inspired when I got creeped out in Pirates of the Caribbean. I was going to write one story for it, but it's now decided to be a bunch of drabbles with a story that will eventually have a plot and everything :P Enjoy!

Dean wanted to skip the line but no matter how he begged, Sam wanted to ride Space Mountain.  It was a lifelong weakness, being unable to say no to his brother’s whims.  He could when it was a hunt or training, but Dean was a sucker for Sam’s puppy-eyed stare.  So he said yes.

It might be because Sam gripped his hand throughout the ride, laughing the whole time.

It might be the way Sam looked at him, exhilarated and eyes full of joy.

It was definitely the way Sam kissed him like he was everything good in the world.

genre: slash, challenge: drabbles, *fanfic: supernatural, verse: the hpoe

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