Story's End Series

Jan 07, 2009 22:05

Series: Story's End, Story's Beginning
Series Link on AO3: Story's End
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Summary: Dean is only 18 when John dies when a hunt goes bad.

End of Story
They were unstoppable and if they set their minds together to beat this thing, they would.

Sam learns that it's okay to lean on Dean sometimes.

Sam wants to hang out with his brother.

Who They Were
Bobby has a proposition for the boys that might be too good to pass up.

The boys move.

He couldn’t remember ever feeling as safe as he did now, with his brother taking care of him. Now, without his dad there, without a hunt always hanging over their head, he never had to be afraid again.

Supposed To Be
It was a life they were learning.

Hot Cocoa
All he knew was Sam better get back with the hot chocolate soon.

All the issues he’d had tonight came crashing back as he pushed the stray lock of hair out of Sam’s face.

Secrets & Misunderstandings
Dean looked shell shocked though, dismantled, and Sam couldn’t believe he’d been the one to do that to him.

Sam had gotten off twice with his brother’s touch and while Dean had worried lately that maybe Sam was feeling some of what Dean was, he’d always hoped he was wrong.  He’d hoped that Sam having friends and boyfriends and girlfriends meant he wasn’t isolating himself and holding onto the trust issues a hunting life had given Dean.

It was far more than Sam had ever expected to hear from his brother without being forced to talk about it but Sam didn’t give his brother time to run away.

Just A Fact
When had they ever followed societies rules of right and wrong?

genre: slash, verse: story's end, *fanfic: supernatural, pre-stanford era, au, master post

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