For muse_manifesto

Feb 10, 2007 22:37

Prompt 8: "In the spirit of Valentine's Day: What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone?"

You’re not serious, are you?



Hah, that’s funny …no really it is.

You must have gotten me confused with Sammy because I don’t do romance, period.

I’m not real big on big gushy moments with hearts and flowers and those really gag worthy confessions of love and adoration. I’d rather leave that up to everyone because hell we all know the world’s full of lovestruck fools.

Seriously though, I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day and I certainly don’t believe in over the top romantic gestures just because the media tells us it’s expected, it’s normal; all the bullshit they feed us so we’ll spend a ridiculous amount of money on it.

Just don’t see why you have to give things and make a big deal out of one day to prove your ‘love’ if that’s even what it is. Call me a cynic but wouldn’t Valentine’s Day be just perfect opportunity to get in someone’s pants?

Come on, you know you were all thinking it.

I don’t make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day or romantic gestures; I don’t think you need the day or the gestures, at all. I mean I’m told they make people feel good but shouldn’t you be doing that anyways?

I just figure that if you love someone, you shouldn’t need to make a big deal out of it. You should just have to look at them and they’ll just know just how much they mean to you and that ought to be enough.

But seems it isn’t for a whole lot of the world.

Muse : Dean Winchester
Fandom : Supernatural
Word Count : 263

muse manifesto

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