i'm standing by canon. i own 2 canon cams. my g2 [my more pricier cam that i only use for school projects considering it's kinda big to carry around all the time] and my s200 that i got for 150 off ebay for more everyday use. 2mp cam, but takes just as good pictures as my g2. dont get the tiny sony cybershot tho. no zoom and pictures are crap ifya ask me. the olympus cams are fairly good like the girl already mentioned. and fuji finepix cams are decent i heard. or was that kodack. ;X haha but u can't go wrong with either olympus or canon in my opinion. hope that helps ya dom
i have a canon ixus i in white 4mp, i think it's called sd10 in the states tho. i love it! only thing is that it doesn't have optical zoom only digital zoom but it's TINY! great to carry around not heavy http://www.dpreview.com/news/0309/03091201canonsd10.asp
canon's are the best in any lower-end price. kodak and sony are popular but they won't take as good of a picture, because the lenses aren't as good of quality.
canon, nikon, and olympus are good brands to look for.
i just got all_honey to buy the canon a80. i have the a75 but they're both just us good. i like the a80 better though because the lens swivels. i would've gotten it, but my sister beat me to it. ;]
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you can most likely get them cheaper off ebay
i heard sonys are very good also
canon, nikon, and olympus are good brands to look for.
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