Title: Embarrassment, Table for One?
Author: hungrytiger11
Rating: G
Characters: Team Gai
Summary: Forget flying kunai, surprising blood limits, or enemy nin. Neji was going to die from embarrassment first. Hyuuga-centric.
Why did he get the feeling he was being laughed at? )
Comments 22
"As this was, more or less, exactly what it had taken for Neji to see something special, he wisely didn’t comment on that and, aiming vaguely for comfort..." And that line was win. Epic win and I laughed very hard.
And thanks! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. It is ...sort of... Tenten-> Lee. I sort of wrote about how I think she has a crush on him at one point and later gets over it and is very embarrassed about this youthful mistake (unnngh! bad pun is bad.) Anyway, this story shows some of the conversation about the crush...
Ah, okay, so my sleep-deprived brain was only slightly making things up. Oh, dear, youthful mistake. XD That was a bit of a bad pun. But, going back to the fic, I think you should make a second part. It would be very amusing to see what went on at the dinner.
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I'm so glad you found Team Gai believable! Their voices are always tricky, so it is nice to know they sounded IC.
Oh, crushes! Being a teen is so hard; you are just so much emotions and no clue how to do anything about them.
PS I don't if you were interested, but there is a memory button for any lj entries of yours or others that when you press it, it remembers it like a "favorites." I use it all the time; there's so many good stories and interesting entries people make! and, um not to sound too much like self-advertising but I have anFF.net account if you prefer that layout....
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Thanks for reading btw. :)
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