ooh, hello LJ.

Jan 16, 2018 13:46

hi, i'm hungerpunch.

--if you are suspecting or knowing by now that you know me IRL, do us both a favor and please exit--

this journal is friend-locked as of June 14, 2011.

if you would like to be friends please drop in somewhere to say hello--this post, even, if that suits you. :) if you are only looking for my writing, please don't friend this ( Read more... )

intro post is intro post

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Comments 15

lacier December 1 2011, 19:42:11 UTC
hello~ we share a mutual friend (traincar) and i love your fic. do you mind if i add you? ♥


hungerpunch December 2 2011, 05:22:22 UTC
thank you so much :) & feel free! ♥


khasael February 25 2012, 23:29:59 UTC
I know you through Inception fandom/AE_Match, and I ♥ your fic (note to self: go back and leave a comment on the Eames-as-Death one soon, since it was read via phone). Mind if I friend you?


hungerpunch February 26 2012, 06:44:56 UTC
hello! & thank you so much! ♥ you may certainly friend me, though i feel i should probably warn you this journal is more fandom flail, pic spams, and real life talk than writing (which can be found here or here). if you're good with that, let me know & i'll friend you in return for access :)


Hi thar. nyogu March 7 2012, 20:38:19 UTC
So, I would really like to friend you, mainly because I saw you posting on Gyzym's Inspiration Meme, and Buddy Wakefield is amazing alright, that pretty much guarantees that you are awesome right there.

I am Sophia, btw. Gosh, this is so awkward. <3


Re: Hi thar. hungerpunch March 8 2012, 07:48:58 UTC
:o hello sophia! nice to meet you & thanks for saying hi! i am down with being friends--anyone who likes buddy wakefield gets a thumbs-up in my book ♥


Re: Hi thar. nyogu March 8 2012, 17:02:28 UTC
<3 I feel like there ought to be a button, or something, that we can all put on your shirts: "This person is approved by Buddy Wakefield." I would be friends with ALL of them. Seeing as you have fantastic taste, any other favorite writers? I am quite a Neil Gaiman fan, myself, especially if we're talking prose.


Re: Hi thar. hungerpunch March 8 2012, 18:13:17 UTC
hahaha yes that would be awesome!

i have to confess that i haven't read much by neil gaiman, though i did just recently watch a documentary about him and he seems like a legit guy, if not a little strange (what writer isn't though, really). other favorites include andrea gibson (another spoken word artist), arthur nersesian, michael muhammad knight (both novelists), walt whitman, and i'm not always a fan of levithan but he put out a book of poems, realm of possibility, that i am very much in love with. also i'm always a sucker for edgar allan poe; i think his poetry was the first i ever read.

what about yourself? i could use some recommendations, actually!


anonymous May 9 2012, 14:55:57 UTC
Re: hi this is peter gabriel hungerpunch May 10 2012, 06:15:55 UTC
ahahahaha i don't know what to do with myself while i watch this video

thank you for educating me :B ♥


herinfiniteeyes May 24 2012, 17:52:57 UTC
Oooh ooh! Can I be your friend, please? :-D



hungerpunch May 24 2012, 17:54:59 UTC


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