Fought a migraine for 2 days, in which time I dyed my hair (Feria "Chocolate Cherry"), trimmed my bangs, bought new eyeglasses frames at a vintage clothing store, and finally got the doll that's been bugging me for most of the week out of my head and onto my desk. All but the legs, anyway.
It's rather a different sort of doll...
I think I've been a little inspired by Froud's Faery Oracle deck, and a little by that furry thing in a cage on the bedroom mantle, and maybe a bit by Sophie, too.
Not sure what the legs are going to be like... It's a bit larger than the other dolls, but because of the size beads I used for eyes (the largest appropriate), not as large as I had at first expected.
It's in the very rough first stages right now, but the face is pretty much how I want it. It was a bit more humanoid when it started out, but then I gave it a muzzle. It's funny how having actual eyes to inset make such a difference in building the face. I'm going to eventually order a few pairs of glass or acrylic doll eyes for making larger dolls like the ones I've been making, but I may use these beads for the time being.
Oh, and I didn't go over to Criminal Records for the Wedding Present in-store, because my head hurt too much. It's mostly better now, but I still feel off. I needed to sew some things today, but I probably would have put a needle through my finger. Sculpting, however, came more easily than usual...