Title: The Seeker’s Reward
humbuggirlPairing: Draco/Ginny
Rating: MA
Prompt: 005 - Rough
Word Count: 5,594
Summary: Pressing his forehead against hers, he took in the look of her swollen lips and glazed eyes, then said, “Good. I’m not ready to give this up yet. Understand?”
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
50_smutlets fic. Sequel to The Gift Giver, and the fourth instalment in the Sub-Rosa Series. I'm still not certain whether I'm completely happy with this... mainly because I've been playing around with the idea of making it a two parter by writing a second part from Ginny's POV. I thought I'd just stop stalling though and post it before I could change my mind.
Positions of Power2:
The Secret Keeper3:
The Gift Giver The Seeker's Reward
Draco hunched his shoulders, attempting to bury his face deeper in the thick scarf that was wrapped tightly around his neck. The action did little to combat the cold that was biting at his exposed skin however, and not for the first time that evening he wished he had thought far enough ahead to wear a thicker coat or bring a hot drink with him.
That was part of the problem though. He had not been thinking - not really. He had acted impulsively and now he was suffering for it. The thick snow that had covered the ground had started to seep through his fine leather boots, his fingers were turning to ice inside his pockets, and he was reasonably certain that his nose was currently practically glowing it was so red.
He shifted from one foot to the other, trying to get the blood flowing in his feet once again. A quick glance at his watch revealed that it was less than five minutes since he had last checked - meaning that he had been standing around waiting for just over an hour now.
He sucked in a deep breath impatiently then made yet another study of the courtyard and the windows and doorways that patterned the walls around it. There was no characteristic flash of red to break the grey and white though - just as there had been no sign of it the last twenty times that he had checked.
Maybe he had been wrong… Maybe Ginny was not going to walk this way tonight - or maybe she already had and he had missed her. After all, over the past two weeks he’d had little luck in keeping up with her. Time and time again events had conspired against him to ensure that he would have no opportunity to catch her alone. If it was not some opportunistic sixth year Gryffindors trying to waylay him down a quiet corridor then it was Blaise demanding his attention. Worse yet, when he had managed to slip away unnoticed, he had discovered that Ginny had acquired herself a follower as well - although, if he was truthful, Draco thought that ‘guard dog’ was a more accurate description.
The thought nearly made him snort disdainfully even as he rammed his hands deeper into his pockets. To his complete and utter disgust he had arrived at King’s Cross Station at the start of term just in time to witness the familiar figure of Hermione Granger slipping into the carriage immediately behind Ginny. He had then been forced to watch as the seemingly endless numbers of her family had waved her away while he was been sat alone in a carriage with an increasingly resentful expression settling on his face. Luck, it had appeared, would not be on his side. There had been a not insignificant part of him that had been lingering in the hope that maybe he would be able to catch Ginny before she was settled for the train journey so that he could drag her off to the baggage car.
What he had wanted to do with her once he had got her there was another matter entirely. The truth was he was not entirely sure what he would do. For the entirety of his holidays it had felt as if he had been waiting to get back to Hogwarts. As unpleasant as school could be, it was considerably better than the manor where waking up each day had meant living with the knowledge that Voldemort might decide to turn up and interview him. Since arriving home, Draco had become increasingly paranoid that the man might stumble across thoughts of Ginny during one of the multitude of little mind reading tests that he tended to spring on his followers. Even though Draco was far better Occlumens than even his father had suspected he did not think that he would be able to turn aside a master Legilimens like Voldemort. Besides, his emotions where Ginny were concerned were simply too strong. Even if he was not able to access them, Voldemort would have become suspicious that he was up to something simply because he would be able to sense the emotion attached to the hidden memories. The thought of what might happen after that was simply too horrifying to contemplate.
His mother had hardly made Christmas wonderful either. Not a day had gone by when Draco had not stumbled across her by accident and had been forced to witness her hurried attempts at hiding her tears. He had never asked what had happened while Voldemort had held her as a bargaining chip during his sixth year - truthfully, he had never wanted to know. The sight of her rubbing angrily at reddened eyes, or the sounds of her sobs when she had not been aware of his presence, had made it all too obvious to Draco that the experience had been far from pleasant. It had made Draco wish that he had the courage to at least attempt to kill the man.
That, in turn, had left him feeling like a pathetic, snivelling, spineless waste of space. The logical part knew that he had done all that he could to protect her but that thought was proving to be little comfort when every time a house-elf popped into the room his mother jumped as if she had seen the Grim.
The holidays had dragged as well. Draco supposed that was part of the reason that his thoughts had again and again turned to Ginny. It had only become worse after Christmas day when he had sneaked away to his room in order to open the small package that Ginny had given him. At first he had been unimpressed with the small pendant that she had given him. It was a simple metallic circle with a vaguely familiar symbol etched onto it and it was attached to a similarly unimpressive plain leather thong. He had tucked it into his bedside cabinet while half thinking that he would never see it again. That night, as he lay in bed trying to sleep, Draco had found himself stuck with the undeniable urge to look at the pendant again. He had tried it on experimentally and somehow he had never gotten around to removing it.
His dreams had been filled with thoughts of her as well. In them, it had seemed that each of his memories of her had been magnified. He had invariably woken up each morning so hard it was painful, and even after he had masturbated he had hardly felt relieved. Next to Ginny’s caress, his touch felt muted. That very fact had left him with a growing sense of frustration. One which he had half hoped that would be quenched on board the Hogwarts train - perhaps somewhere in the baggage car.
Instead of working out a little of that frustration however, Draco had been left listening to a group of fourth years prattle on about their stupid Christmas presents. There conversation had done little to ease his desire to creep away and see whether he could catch a glimpse of Ginny - something that was made even worse by the fact that he knew Granger was there but he had no idea why she was there. His mind had flitted between thoughts of just how he was going to greet Ginny when he got the chance and visions of Granger muttering constantly in the redhead’s ear about how evil he was or how soon Potter would be home. By the time they had arrived in Hogsmeade, Draco had been so wound up he had practically felt nauseous with tension.
“You’re still here.”
Draco jumped and spun around, his wand already out and pointed in the direction of the person who had spoken. He squinted into the gloom, feeling his body tense as he caught sight of the familiar flicker of green and silver that signalled a Slytherin approaching. He only relaxed when Blaise stepped out of the shadows and into full view.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked gruffly, tucking his wand back into his sleeve and returning to his former position leaning against the wall.
“I would ask you the same question but I already know,” Blaise replied, coming to stand next to him. He leaned back, tucking his hands into his pockets. It was only then that Draco noticed he was wearing just his school robes and that he was trying to cover up the fact he was shivering slightly.
“You do?” Draco asked sceptically, raising a questioning eyebrow as he did so.
Blaise’s lips tilted into a smug little smile. “You’re waiting for Weasley - for Ginny.” At Draco’s sharp look, he added, “What you don’t know, of course, is that she’s not coming this way tonight. I saw her about five minutes ago heading in the direction of the Prefect’s Bathroom in her Quidditch robes and clutching a towel.”
“Fuck,” Draco muttered, pushing away from the wall. He took a step away and then abruptly turned back to look at Blaise.
“Granger wasn’t there,” Blaise told him before he could ask. He shoved off the wall. “You’re not the only one who has noticed that she’s practically been stalking Weasley ever since we got back. It’s made assigning prefect duty rather interesting, actually. Granger seems to have forgotten that she isn’t actually a student here anymore and she keeps trying to interfere.”
“Thanks,” Draco said stiffly.
“You’re welcome,” Blaise said lightly, his eyes sparkling slightly. His lips parted, as if he was about to continue. He hesitated though, his expression being serious. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Draco. When Potter comes back… Well, let’s face it. If he finds out you’ve been messing around with his girl then it isn’t going to be pretty.”
Draco narrowed his eyes, feeling the fine hairs on the back of his neck bristle slightly. “I know what I’m doing, and it isn’t any of your business anyway,” he replied swiftly, once again turning and starting to march away.
Sounding seemingly unaffected, Blaise called, “Draco.”
“What?” the blond man growled as he spun around to glare at his friend.
“The password is remora, if you’re interested.”
Draco hesitated, his jaw clenching. “Thanks,” he said eventually after sucking in a deep breath. Blaise grinned at him and then waved him on his way.
The corridors were thankfully empty as Draco stalked through them. He moved quickly, taking the fastest route towards the Prefect’s Bathroom even though he knew that doing so increased his chances of running into other students. His one thought at that moment was getting to the bathroom before Granger could possibly find out that Ginny was once again in the building and alone.
By the time that he actually reached the fourth floor, he was breathing deeply. He paused at the bottom of the staircase leading up to the bathroom and listened hard, trying to discern whether there was anyone milling around at the top. When he heard nothing, Draco raced upwards, taking the steps two at a time. He passed the statue of Boris the Bewildered and counted the doors until he came to the right one. Once there, he said the password and then ‘Alohomora’ to tackle the lock on the inside of the door.
For a moment, as he touched his fingers to the door handle, he half expected it to spring open and for Granger to appear with her wand drawn. Nothing happened, though. It opened silently, revealing the white marble bathroom beyond and a pile of muddy, sodden, Quidditch robes.
Draco grinned, quickly stepping inside and closing the door after him. He engaged the lock and, on an afterthought, added a simple locking spell as well. It was not that he expected anyone to try and break into the room on trying the password and still finding the room accessible, but the part of him with was desperate to spend some time with Ginny was paranoid enough to want to do so. Giving in to it seemed like the best option.
His heart was beating wildly when he next turned to face the room, and Draco gave in to the urge to suck in a deep breath to steady his nerves. His eyes skipped over the surfaces only to discover that Ginny was still hidden from view - though the sounds of splashing told him that she was already in the tub. Even before he realised what he was doing, he was halfway to the water. He stepped over the clean but worn white towel that she had dumped on the floor and came to a halt just in time to watch her float into view.
Weeks of frustration rushed upon him suddenly at the sight. He sucked in a startled breath, feeling his cock swell as his eyes run over her familiar form. Floating as she was, flat on her back, there was no hiding the fullness of her breasts or the flare of her hips, and he could not stop himself from following the line of her body until his gaze landed on the neat patch of red curls that covered her sex.
She was still oblivious to his presence - leaving Draco with the perfect opportunity to admire her. He wondered how she would react to finding him there - to finding him watching her. After all, he had no idea how she had spent her holidays. Although at times he had played with the idea of sending her a letter, he had quickly realised how foolish it would be to do so. Draco had no doubt that the same would have occurred to her, if she had been inclined to write to him. He had no guarantee that she even wanted to see him again. For all he knew, she had been reunited with Potter and had decided to stop seeing him as a consequence.
He steeled himself against the idea and coughed lightly.
Ginny’s reaction was almost comical. She flailed her arms for a moment before eventually managing to right herself - at which point she made a valiant effort to cover herself from view. He heard the sound of a protest form on her lips but it stopped there as she realised who was standing before her.
“Draco,” she murmured softly in surprise.
“Hello, Ginny,” he replied. To his credit, he kept his voice steady.
Her lips quirked slightly and then they spread into a broad smile. She took what seemed to be an involuntary step towards the side of the bath and then stopped - a charming blush spreading over her cheeks and further as she did so.
“Do you fancy some company?” he asked, fighting back the part of him that simply wanted to either leap immediately into the tub or drag her up out of it.
The blush staining her cheeks darkened noticeably, but she nodded all the same. Draco hid the grin that appeared on his face by turning and stripping off his coat. He dropped it on the floor, where it was quickly joined by his jumper, undershirt and slacks after he had kicked his shoes off. He could feel Ginny’s eyes on him the entire time he undressed - picking over his figure in much the same fashion that he had been looking at her only a few moments before. It sent blood rushing to his groin so that by the time he tried to calmly pull his boxers down he was already half hard.
She stepped back slightly as he moved to the edge of the tub and slipped into the water. The warmth of it made his winter-chilled skin tingle and elicited a shiver from Draco before he could stop it. In response, he quickly submerged himself up to his neck. Then he smoothed a hand back over his hair - using something of the excess moisture that clung to his fingers to hold it in place.
Ginny was still watching him carefully. Even though she was no longer attempting to cover her chest there was something about her stance that suggested she was feeling awkward. Draco felt a flicker of fondness over her shyness, and reached out to gesture for her to move closer.
The water shifted around him as she did so, lapping at his chest. He reached out again when she hesitated and grasped her wrist so that he could gently but insistently pull her towards him. She came easily enough and he was pleased to find that she instinctively lifted her arms to wrap them around his neck. It gave him the opportunity to enjoy the sensation of her chest pressing against his if nothing else.
“You’ve no idea…” she started to say but stopped, dipping her eyes from his face.
“I’ve no idea about what?” he prompted.
“Nothing,” she said quietly.
Draco reached up, pushing some wet strands of hair back from her face. The water had made it so dark that it looked almost black and the effect made her eyes stand out even more than they usually did. “You missed me,” he said simply.
“A little,” she admitted.
Draco grinned a little. He slipped a finger under her chin and lifted her face so that she was looking at him. Ginny shakily sucked in a deep breath and then pushed herself up on toes, using his shoulders as leverage, and pressed her mouth to his.
Trembling, Draco tightened his grip on her and returned the kiss. He stroked his tongue over the closed line of her lips and then slipped it inside when she eagerly parted them for him. It abruptly seemed impossible to think of anything but the way that she felt in his arms.
By the time the kiss ended, Ginny was panting slightly and Draco felt rather light headed himself. He released her from his grasp and went to lean against the side of the bath. As he had expected, Ginny followed him.
She reached out, her fingers brushing over his chest before she touched the pendant that was still hanging around his neck. A smile spread over her features, and she said, “You’re wearing it!”
Draco ducked his head and shrugged his shoulders slightly. He reached up and covered her hand with his, squeezing it briefly before pulling it away. There was a part of him which was mildly disgruntled by the pleased and surprised expression on her features - as if she had expected him never to wear the present.
Misinterpreting his silence, she added, “Don’t be embarrassed about it, Draco. Thank you.” She waved her arm slightly, moving the water around so that is sloshed against the side of the tub. “How were your holidays? I would have asked sooner but…”
“You’ve gone and gotten yourself a stalker?” Draco finished for her.
Ginny winced slightly and then nodded.
“How did that happen?” Draco asked. “What’s she even doing back at school? I thought they were off on some big quest or something.”
“They are…” she began and then stopped suddenly. Her eyes turned towards his - a speculative gleam entering them. Indeed on second inspection she almost appeared suspicious. Eventually though, Ginny sucked in a deep breath and nodded. “They are, but there is something that Hermione needs to do here at Hogwarts so she’s come back for a while.”
“That doesn’t explain why she’s following you around,” he said with a frown. The expression only became more pronounced when Ginny ducked her head and avoided his eyes.
“Ginny…” he pressed.
When she failed to respond again, Draco took hold of the redhead’s chin and made her look at him. “What happened?” he asked firmly.
Ginny bit her lower lip nervously - the action drawing Draco’s gaze towards it. He drew in a quick breath, even as Ginny said, “She saw the bruises - the ones on my neck. We share a room… I couldn’t hide them…”
Tension rolled shot through Draco’s shoulders, and he tightened his hold on her. Feeling a rush of anxiety, he leaned closer - putting his mouth close to hers in the process.
“Does she know about me?” he demanded quickly. She squirmed in his grasp, planting her hands on his shoulders and pushing lightly. “Ginny…” he repeated.
“No,” Ginny gasped eventually, still struggling. “But she’s suspicious… She knows that it has to be someone at Hogwarts and she’s so very loyal to Harry…” She trailed off, tears appearing in the corners of her eyes.
Draco felt a flicker of anger as he contemplated the idea that perhaps it was not fear that Potter might find out what she had been up to rather than the idea of simply being discovered. As the tears spilled over, he swiftly leaned in and caught one salty droplet on the tip of his tongue before kissing her hard and fast. She whimpered against his mouth - letting out a series of small cries and gasps whenever their teeth clashed or scraped against her lips too sharply. They sent shockwaves running through his body and blood flooding to his cock. Draco dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her arse and dragged her to him - glorying in the surprised noise that she made as she abruptly felt him digging into her.
He forced himself to release her mouth, hoping that his point had been made. Pressing his forehead against hers, he took in the look of her swollen lips and glazed eyes, then said, “Good. I’m not ready to give this up yet. Understand?”
Ginny nodded - the movement causing drying strands of dark red hair to fall forwards over her face. Draco released the grip he had been maintaining on her jaw and stroked her cheek - tucking the hair behind her ear in the process.
A deep sense of satisfaction rolled through him at her reply, and he lowered his mouth to kiss her again. His touch was far gentler this time. He coaxed her into a soft, lingering, kiss that made Ginny shift her hands until they were running appreciatively over his chest. The movement put unwanted space between them, but Draco felt a shiver run through him at her touch anyway.
Ginny broke the kiss this time. She leaned back slightly, her eyes focusing somewhere south of his - on his lips, or his jaw, or his shoulder. The fact that she was unwilling to meet his gaze caused a tendril of worry to worm its way along the line of Draco’s spine. His fears were confirmed a moment later when she said, “I saw Harry over Christmas.”
Her voice was barely above a whisper, and at first Draco wondered whether he had heard her correctly. The sensation of her trembling slightly in his arms, however, was enough to confirm that he had not misheard her. Ginny must have noticed the way that he stiffened because she finally coerced herself into looking up at him.
“He wanted me,” she said slowly, carefully. To Draco it seemed that she was watching his face for any kind of reaction that might hint at what he was thinking. Right at that moment, however, Draco was working very hard on making sure that what he was thinking did not show on his face.
He could not let her know how deep her words cut, or the fact that his stomach had turned into a burning mass of anxiety as he waited for her to continue - for her confirm that it was over.
“He touched me, and kissed me, and told me that he missed me,” she said, making him nearly flinch with each word. “But… But when I tried to touch him back I couldn’t. I just couldn’t do it. Every time that I tried I… All I could think about was that it wasn’t the same - that it wasn’t you and…” She trailed off, her small frame more than merely trembling now.
His mind flitted back over what she had said. He repeated it, sounding out each word in his head. It was an admission that she wanted him, he realised. It was glorious.
Leaning in once more, Draco placed his lips close to Ginny’s ear. “I should hope not.” He followed up by nipping on her ear.
He turned them and manoeuvred Ginny backwards until her back was pressed against the side of the bathtub. As he nuzzled her neck, she groaned in appreciation and sank one hand into his hair. When he bit down lightly, she tightened her hold and her hips seemed to twitch towards his.
Draco sucked lightly on the flesh, holding it between his teeth as he did so. He let one hand drift down between their bodies and fought the resistance of the water in order to delve between her thighs. She resisted him slightly at first and parted her thighs just enough that he could finger her gently. It barely took him a heartbeat to register how wet she was, and before he could stop himself, he whispered into her ear, “I want to fuck you.”
For a moment, he wondered whether he had gone too far. Ginny’s entire body seemed to stiffen under his touch and he became certain that she was going to pull away. After all, in every single one of their previous encounters they had never taken the final step and had intercourse. Ginny had shied away from the idea, offering other parts of her body for him to enjoy. He had been satisfied with that as well. Now though, with the news that Potter was trying to insinuate himself into the redhead’s life once more, Draco found that he both wanted and needed to take that final step more than ever before. If Ginny did end up leaving him, he wanted her to always know that there was something of hers that would always belong to him. He wanted to be her first.
Holding onto that thought, and despite her stiff stance, he did not stop rubbing gently at her sex. An irrational part of him contemplated the idea that maybe if he kept her distracted then she would simply agree.
“I’ve never…” she breathed uncertainly.
“I know.”
She seemed to unconsciously incline herself towards him as she thought - pressing against his fingers. Draco tipped his head so that his cheek was resting against hers.
“I’ve been going mad,” he confessed, “seeing you all over the place - unable to get you away from Granger. All holidays all I could think about was coming back to school and getting to act out some of the better dreams my mind managed to come up with… It’s been hell.”
Ginny groaned and thrust her hips forwards as she did so. A second later, Draco was not surprised to feel the heated flesh against his hand flutter and pulse as she climaxed.
She slumped against him and Draco slid his hand from between her legs in order to help keep her in an upright position.
“Ginny,” he mumbled, letting his hands roam over her hips once he was certain she was going to remain standing. “Gin…”
“Okay,” she said quietly.
Draco let out a shuddering breath. Not willing to give her time to change her mind, he pressed his thigh between Ginny’s legs so that she straddled it. He grabbed her hands and encouraged her to touch him - to hold onto him - then swiftly caught her mouth with his. With shaking limbs, he finally gave into the temptation to grip her buttocks and lift her bodily from the floor of the enormous bathtub. For a second he stumbled under their combined weight, and then Ginny seemed to realise what he was attempting to do and wrapped her legs around him. The position left the head of his cock nudging against the still slippery folds of her sex, and the resulting sensation dragged a deep groan from somewhere inside Draco even as Ginny gasped in surprise.
The position they were in was undeniably awkward for all that Draco was enjoying it. While he knew intellectually that should at least be attempting to be careful with the girl in his arms, he struggled to do so. The baser, almost desperately excited, part of him simply wanted to shove Ginny up against the side of the tub and drive into her. The temptation to do so was too great - especially now that she was clutching at his shoulders and wriggling around slightly.
He pressed her against the high wall of the tub, only vaguely aware that the edge must be biting into her back. With considerably less grace than he would have preferred, adjusted his position so that he could push into her. She whimpered loudly against his mouth as he did so, and then suddenly cried out as his hold on her wet flesh slipped and his cock was abruptly thrust up inside her.
She panted, drawing in huge draughts of air as her walls closed tightly around him and threatened to drive away every last bit of his control. Breathing heavily himself, Draco took in the sight of her pained features and realised what must have happened. Her nails dug deeply into his shoulders as she continued to cling to him, creating small red half-moons that seemed designed to make him want to thrust. He forced himself to hold still though - to wait until the expression on her face had become softer. When she looked at him again, the brown of her eyes shiny with unshed tears and something else he could not identify, he leaned forwards and kissed her as tenderly as he could on her mouth.
Ginny sighed, rolling her hips as she did so. The action seemed intended to test his patience and willpower even though he knew that she was no doubt trying to assess whether the sensation of having him so deeply inside her was going to be too uncomfortable. When a moment later she deepened the kiss, Draco decided that he had been given permission to continue.
It was not long before his fabled Malfoy control slipped. Ginny was clinging to him - making adorable little noises each time he shifted even slightly inside her. The sounds made his body twitch and harden even further than it had already been. They made his blood race, clouding his brain, and before long he had forgotten all thoughts of stealth and comfort. He even phased out the occasional suggestive whimpers that emerged from between Ginny’s lips. The only thing that seemed to matter was thrusting deeply into her responsive little body and enjoying the sensation of knowing that the glorious tightness of it was entirely his.
He came with a grunt - spilling into her with a forcefulness that would have startled him if it had not been for the rush of pleasure that accompanied it. A distant part of him heard Ginny exclaim in astonishment, but by then Draco was too far gone to do anything other than bury his face in his shoulder and clutch at her.
A chuckle erupted from him as his thoughts began to realign into something resembling a logical order. He nuzzled Ginny’s neck briefly before leaning back to catch her lips again. She kissed him briefly and then drew back, eying the smile that was appearing on his face with distrust.
Draco tried to quench it. He felt almost as if he could read her mind. Everything about her suggested that she was nervous, and Draco knew precisely why.
He carefully helped her to untangle her legs from around his waist - wincing when he saw her flinch. She stumbled slightly as her feet landed on the floor of the tub, slipping as she did so. Draco caught her quickly, and said, “Are you okay?”
She hesitated and then nodded.
Draco reached out and pushed her hair back from her face. He was not surprised to discover that her cheeks were flushed, and the grin that he had been trying to suppress returned to his face. “Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she said slowly, sinking down into the warmth of water. The movement made Draco all too aware of how cool the room was becoming and he copied her.
Floating backwards, he frowned slightly as he noted the expression on her face was still far from happy. Rather awkwardly, he said, “It… I’ve been told it can be a bit, ah, uncomfortable at first. For girls, that is.”
The blush of her cheeks darkened noticeable. “It wasn’t bad,” she said. “I’m just… I guess I’m going to be a little sore.”
“It’ll get better,” he told her confidently.
“It will?”
“Sure. Next time I’ll try to go a little slower. I didn’t mean to be so rough with you. I… what?” he asked, stopping as he noticed her lips start to curl.
“There’s definitely going to be a next time then?” she asked softly.
His brow furrowing slightly, Draco said, “Of course.”
Something flickered through Ginny’s eyes and then she suddenly giggled. A playful gleam entered her eyes and the next thing Draco knew he had a face full of water.
He spluttered and stared at her in astonishment before diving after her. Ginny squealed and tried to move away only to be pulled up short as he arm curled around her waist.
“You didn’t honestly think I was going to let go of you yet, did you?” he asked, enjoying the sensation of her squirming against him. When she made no immediate reply, he added, “We’re not done yet. Not by a long way.”
Read the sequel:
Scars and Black Ink