The not!watch makes me think Mycroft (okay, first thought was Torchwood, but you didn't mention crossover) is involved somehow. And, I'm sorry, but the gold pocket watch will forever bring up Christopher Walken and Pulp Fiction. But that's me. Doesn't mean it isn't perfect for this.
Hm. Did I forget the crossover tag? :-). TBH, I refer to this story in my head as The Crossover of Doom; there are at least three fandoms other than Sherlock in my head ( although some are more mentions and influences than active in the story.). In other words: Who knows?
I'll admit, though; I haven't seen Pulp Fiction.
At least I know I'm not crazy for thinking someone else might enjoy a story along these lines.
Comments 3
The not!watch makes me think Mycroft (okay, first thought was Torchwood, but you didn't mention crossover) is involved somehow. And, I'm sorry, but the gold pocket watch will forever bring up Christopher Walken and Pulp Fiction. But that's me. Doesn't mean it isn't perfect for this.
I'll admit, though; I haven't seen Pulp Fiction.
At least I know I'm not crazy for thinking someone else might enjoy a story along these lines.
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