Fic: No Subtitles Available (Part 1/6)

Nov 20, 2014 15:39

Title: No Subtitles Available
Author: huldrejenta
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters & Pairings: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Lily Evans, various HP characters, Remus/Sirius, background James/Lily and Alice/Frank
Rating & Warnings: PG-13, mentions of homophobia, very slight crossdressing (the "sod the rules, why ( Read more... )

pairing: alice/frank, character: alice longbottom, pairing: remus/sirius, character: lily evans, my fic, character: frank longbottom, character: james potter, character: remus lupin, character: sirius black, pairing: james/lily, fandom: harry potter, community: rs_games

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Comments 3

shimotsuki November 21 2014, 04:11:21 UTC
Oh, fascinating! Many intriguing things here: where the threats are coming from, and whether James and Sirius are going to get themselves into some kind of trouble, and what kind of history Remus has with these two, and why he owes Frank so much...this definitely has me wanting to read more.

This Muggle version of the world is fun, too -- and a wonderful cameo from a supremely annoying Lockhart, hee.


huldrejenta November 21 2014, 23:33:24 UTC
Haha, Lockhart is such an entertaining character in all his horridness ;)

I'm glad you find this fascinating - I meant to post the rest of the story tonight, but I'll definitely do it once I get more than a few minutes online (which I usually don't during the weekends, lol :)).


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