Sun, 15:42: RT @ CT_Bergstrom: What is R0 for BA.5? I don't have a good answer. It's a very difficult quantity to estimate at this stage of the pandemic…
Sat, 09:30: I got COVID after my first after my first conference outing in 2.5 years. Trying to decide whether this means I should learn my lesson and stay home for the rest of 2022, or immediately go to another conference to take advantage of my super-immunity?
Thu, 18:33: RT @ lorrietweet: My latest column on annoying cookie banners, with apologies for calling out some well-meaning organizations to make my poi…
Thu, 20:44: RT @ VarunChandrase3: I'm delighted to announce that I'll be joining @ ECEILLINOIS as an assistant professor in Fall 2023. I'll be looking fo…