Title: Dior Gray
Rating: General Audience, mostly.
Pairings/Characters: Burt & Kurt Hummel.
Spoilers: None; past-fic. Some canon is altered or directly ignored for a more cohesive story.
Warnings: Discussions of mourning re: Mrs. Hummel.
Word Count: 1,615
Summary: After the death of his wife, Burt Hummel decides to adopt a dog. Dogs are playful,
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Comments 3
that about Kurt blending with Ellie in his memory oh jesus god take the wheel, s o b b i n g, and how even with an attentive parent stuff like leaf-playing can get lost in the memory shuffle, and just.
also sweet christ bb!Kurt is so cute and ffffffffff not smiling and figuring out what to be excited about and stuff and stuff, I am incoherent, this is the best thing
(hi I'm Adi actually, what up babe)
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