Title: Snowy July Team: Jocks Challenge: Snow Character/Pairing: Chad/Ryan, OC child Rating: G Warnings: Slash Author's Notes: Couple things: 1) Hopefully there will be at least one more to add on to these. 2) This one is at the bottom.
I really loved this story! And I think it is a totally relistic take on how Chad and Ryan's relationship could have developed. I hope you continue to write drabbles in this verse. :D
In regards to your authors note, that is so cool! Sounds like fun.
Thank you! I'm glad you like the verse--I wasn't sure if anyone would because its a little outside the box for this fandom. I do plan to write more (though I obviously missed the deadline for this challenge) as soon as I have time :-)
Oh yay that's good news! For some reason when I read this, I imagined Chad and Ryan reconnected at their ten year reunion and Chad was already divorced. The chemistry they had in high school was still there and now that Chad is older he isn't afraid to just go for it this time.
And I know Ryan is nervous about the relationship with Jamie but I think they will have a wonderful bond one day. I got a lot out of just four hundred words huh? Well anyways, I do love this verse and I'm excited to see what you come up with next!
Comments 3
In regards to your authors note, that is so cool! Sounds like fun.
And yeah, it does!
And I know Ryan is nervous about the relationship with Jamie but I think they will have a wonderful bond one day. I got a lot out of just four hundred words huh? Well anyways, I do love this verse and I'm excited to see what you come up with next!
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