I'm probably going to skip Tuesday's primary. The only big thing is attorney general, and when I'd lean towards one candidate because he mentioned a Star Trek fan club in his past, it probably means either I'm too ill-informed for my opinion to matter or the candidates are too similar for anyone's opinion to matter. Or both
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Comments 2
Well yeah, you know my biases, although this year the numbers, sadly, seem to be backing up my natural pessimism. (As opposed to two years ago, when the numbers supported optimism but I worried ZOMG what about the Bradley Effect?! until it was clear we had a blowout on our hands.)
One small reason for hope: This year's batch of Republicans is so unhinged that, as the election approaches, it may turn off enough voters to prevent a total blowout.
Honestly, I rarely vote in the primaries myself. There are too many candidates, and it takes too much work to keep track of their positions on every issue.
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