
May 22, 2026 10:57

Hi there! This is a moderated community for Kate (hoshizora20) to post translations mostly related to Hey! Say! JUMP (but sometimes I post other things).

Magazine and concert translations aren't friends-locked, but dramas are.

Please see my masterpost of translations here.

Please ensure you press join as well as comment on this entry with the following:

Your name and a small introduction.

If your LiveJournal account is empty and less than six months old with no identifying information, please leave a link to your Twitter account (or another form of SNS). This is to verify identity. I will reject your request if you don't meet this requirement.

I don't accept introduction messages on Twitter or any other website like MyDramaList. Please only comment on this entry, as I only moderate comments on this entry for join requests.

I will only accept LiveJournal accounts. Please don't comment or join with a Twitter, Facebook or Google Account. I accept empty and new LiveJournal accounts. You can sign up for a LiveJournal account here.

You must also agree to the following rules:
  • Do not upload my translations to streaming websites. If I find my translations on streaming websites, I will most likely stop.
  • Do not claim credit for my subtitles.
  • Do not copy my translations and claim them as your own.
  • Do not ask to retranslate my work, I don't allow retranslations at this current time.
  • Do not share the direct download links. If someone would like access, please direct them to this LiveJournal.
Please include in your comment that you have read the rules and agree to them. Comments that don't explicitly state agreement to the rules are not sufficient for entry into this community.

Further additional points:
  • I'm not a native Japanese speaker, There might be mistakes in my translations. If there is anything major, please point them out and I'll fix them. I'm always open to corrections and feedback.
  • Don't comment over and over again asking to be accepted, or message me on multiple SNS platforms asking to be accepted. I check LiveJournal fairly frequently, so you won't have to wait long to be rejected or accepted.
  • I have the right to remove any member from my community as I see fit.
Please note - I can be found on the following websites


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