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Name: Denise
Age: 15. 16 in one month! Woot! *excited*
Country: Philippines
Stamped as (if can, please link to your general application too):
Hikaru Are you…
Patient or impatient? Patient most of the time.
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic
Talkative or Quiet? I am a talkative person but I’m quiet when needed to be quiet
Industrious or Lazy BOTH. Haha
Able to accept negative comments or not? Able to accept negative comments. (I think)
What are you usually like when…
You just woke up? still asleep! Though I’m awake. Get it? XD
You’re eating? Uh… I eat the food. XD
You’re taking a bath? I don’t talk/speak or make noise. I am quiet when I take a bath.
You’re tired I’m DEAD. BLACK OUT. KNOCKED OUT. Need I say more?
What do you often…
Wear when you go out? Uh.. jeans and a simple shirt/any top, and sneakers/flip-flops. XXD
Order when eating out? It depends what food I want and what food is there.
A phrase you often say? OMG, What The F***, What the hell, Oh sh**! LOL sorry too many bad words. I curse a lot.
Something you’ll will absolutely never do? Smoke… kill myself… those stuff.
Do you like…
Eating in general? Yes of course! I love food!!!
Sweets? Sure.
Raw meat? Uuuhhh… no.
Foreign Music, other than Japanese? I listen to Korean, Taiwanese and English. XD
Being in a group or being alone? I like being in a group but there are times when I want to be alone too.
Amusement Parks? Love it.
Movies? Yeah!!! XD
Video/Techy Games? not really.
Reading? Not really.
Who in HSJ is exuding friendliness? Maybe Hikaru… or Yamada? Yabu? 0.o I don’t know because I think all of them are friendly. XD
Who in HSJ is a bit weird for you? Hikaru. Even if I was stamped as him and was stamped as my bestfriend. XXD
Who do you think would be your HSJ TWIN? I DON’T KNOW! Not Hikaru again please. =)) LMAO. But it’s okay if he’ll be my twin. :) BUT PLEASE, NOOOOO!!!
If you’re a fruit what will you be? Watermelon!
Did you answer ALL the questions honestly? Yup.
Anything else you want to add? Help me find my evil twin? :D