…but refusing to back down when you are being treated like crap generally ensures that those missiles get aimed at a more passive target in the future.
More on the concept that accepting bad treatment without responce is BS
Fav quote, “I once spent an hour in religion class being told that the pain I felt when someone insulted me was actually
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Comments 12
We have completely lost the concept of balance in our culture. It takes two to tango and both parties are responsible for the interaction. If someone mistreats me, they are responsible for that behavior. I am responsible for my reaction, whether it is to shrink away or stand up for myself. I accept that responsibility and decide in each case which battles are worth fighting, but I do NOT accept responsibility for their bad behavior as some sort of "manifestation of my need to be treated badly" bullshit.
It's a two party transaction.
I can choose to overlook someone’s idiotically bad behavior. Or I can choose to bludgeon them over the head with it. Both responses are equally legit.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”?
Sure. So long as everyone understands that I fully expect that folks who I treat badly (it happens) to smack me upside my idjit head if they feel the need. And I will do the same.
I love the phrase that the definition of "crazy" is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. I'm a fan of trying something and if it doesn't work try something else.
If your kid tells you they're being treated badly, takes your advice, and tells you they're still being treated badly, DON'T TELL THEM TO DO THE SAME THING. *sheesh* They're not the one doing something wrong.
I agree with most of this statement, but I cannot justify thinking that the person being attacked is somehow more at fault than the person doing the attacking. It’s a bit too much like victim blaming to me.
“Now Susi, you know that you shouldn’t let him treat you like that…”
Conversely, the asshat in question simply shouldn’t be treating people in a crappy manner in the first place. Then Susi could just live her life.
BTW - Thank you for the historical perspective on the 'cheek' quote!
To this, I simply say, “No”. I may choose to be passive, courteous and or non-reactionary. I may choose to stand my ground or even get pissed. I simply don’t accept a black-and-white reality where only one side of this coin is ever acceptable.
I'd rather that these folks just be honest and say, "I don't care if the person I said that to is hurt. It's their problem because it doesn't matter to me, not because it shouldn't matter to them."
Really, that is more honest than saying that one's actions shouldn't cause someone else to react.
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