Title: Research is hard Character: Dean Ratings/Warnings: PG, no warnings Spoilers: None Summary: Dean should have known better than to get comfortable while reading. Media: Watercolours with the pencil peeking through
This looks fantastic! I love the way the finished version brings out so much contrast with light and shadow, and makes the muscles and lines so sharply defined.
Oh yeah, researching often proves to be a hard work ;) Lovely drawings, very well done. You have the talent, the patience and the feeling needed to do such wonderful pieces. Envy here, my dear.
Hehehehe, I'm still imagining Mr Binks sleeping like this the other night. ;) Thanks for the wonderful comment, bb, you are a talented artist yourself. ♥
That's lovely. I find myself mesmerised by his legs now, and the play of muscles and shadows on them. Even the creases in the pillow and round his armpits are perfect. So interesting to see before and after, and how you bring it and him to life.
Thank you! Legs are also pretty awesome, and it was fun to make everything stand out using just one colour. I'm glad you think the creases in the fabrics are right - I have not yet reach any level of comfort with them.
Aw man, you have an spn icon!! :D With bitchface Sam.
Thank you - I added in the shadow from the book last and I think you are right in that it really makes it seem more real. And legs are such interesting shapes. Especially the knees. :D
Comments 8
Also, pretty horse!
I especially like the shading detail on the legs and the shadow the book makes. Brings him to life even though he's asleep!
Thank you - I added in the shadow from the book last and I think you are right in that it really makes it seem more real. And legs are such interesting shapes. Especially the knees. :D
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