Spring Sign Ups are OPEN!

Jan 07, 2007 15:53

Welcome to the Slash, Not Smut
Spring Fic and Art Exchange!

♠ Signups will run now through Monday, January 22nd. Assignments will be emailed to participants the following week. There is no age restriction for either participants or watchers.

♠ Both artists and authors of slash and femmeslash are invited to participate. It is asked that fics have a minimum length of 1000 words and we strongly suggest having them beta read as well. No works of an NC-17 rating will be accepted! If you have questions about the rating of your work, please ask.

♠ All completed assignments should be emailed to slashnotsmut@gmail.com no later than March 26th for posting to begin on April 2nd. Participants who fail to get their assignments in by the 2nd will have their giftee reassigned and their own gift may be given away. Please be open to the fact that your gift may need to be given to another participant in the event of a drop out.

♠ If at any time you realize that you will not be able to complete your assignment by the March 26th deadline, please contact the moderators at once so that arrangements can be made.

♠ To sign up, please copy and paste this form into a comment to this post:

Email (required):
I will be giving a gift of: (Fic/Art)
I can do: (Slash/Femmeslash/Either)
Pairings/Characters/Situations you just CANNOT write/draw:

I would you like to receive: (Art/Fic/Either)
Desired characters or pairings: (please list at least three)
Elements you'd love to have in your gift:
Elements you would rather not see in your gift:
Name of someone who knows you (and can keep a secret) that your gifter can go to if they have questions:

♠ Questions? Contact your friendly mods fiona_fawkes or janicechess at slashnotsmut@gmail.com
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