Fic: Predictions for football_girl

Oct 21, 2006 17:20

Title: Predictions
Giftee: football_girl
Pairing: Harry'n'Draco
Rating: Pg-13
Word Count: 1033
Author/Artist's Notes: I hope you enjoy this, Harry/Draco is tricky for me.

Summary: Some tea leaves make some unlikely predictions.

Tea leaves.

Harry had no idea how tea leaves were supposed to tell the future. They were little lumps of partially rehydrated (Thank you, Hermione) leaves that were left in a cup after giving up their ... for lack of a better term, 'tea juices'. Which is why he was having trouble believing that a book on how to read his partially rehydrated tea-juiceless sludge would help me tell the future. Of course, he didn't have to sign up for this class, and he could have pulled a Hermione and left... but then he might have to take a class with real work. That prospect was certainly less appealing.

"Oh. OH, OH MY!"

Of course, if he'd done that, the theatrics of Professor Trelawney could have been skipped. Harry raised his head to give the woman a mildly quizzical glance. She was in 'airs' again, waving her hands, staring down at the teacup between his hands in horror. Again, This was a daily occurrence, so Harry wasn't too shocked. At least she wasn't screeching 'DEATH! DOOM! THE APOCALYPSE OF YOUR SOUL, YOU POOR POOR CHILD!' again, that had really taken the cake.

"...oh my?" He inquired, trying to tell if the shapes in his tea were a One Eyed Cussack in Siege or possibly, a Bottle of Poison in a Bookshelf. He was never any good with this sort of thing. Trelawney descended upon him, still breathless in her excitement to extoll his doom.

"Oh, you poor boy. This is the man-eating lotus blossom!" She exclaimed, one hand clasped to her chest, the other on his shoulder. This obviously was a Very Bad Thing, and Harry thought he should look up the 'man-eating lotus blossom'. "This is ... this is huge." She continued to say in her 'awe-struck' mode. Harry had learned that it was just best to ride it out until she hit on her conclusive statement and revealed it for the rest of the class to 'ooo' and 'awww'.

"You... you will encounter ... you will have a LIFE CHANGING EVENT TODAY." She finally decided on, hands up at the ceiling. This was some grand statment, apparently, because the entire class leaned back and sounded impressed, or, they were just mocking Harry for once again being Trelawney's favorite to pick on. He could almost hear Hermione's delicate sniff at Trelawney's prediction, and make some disparaging comment about how the fortune teller should be more specific.

"...uh, thanks," Harry managed to say, awkwardly as he looked down at the sludge in his tea cup. Well, if that wasn't a man-eating lotus blossom which told him that he was going to have a life changing event today, he didn't know what was.


Harry kept his eye out for life changing events that day. Actually, he didn't, at all. The rest of the day passed how most of his days passed. A mockery or two in the hall, some classes, some choice words with Professor Snape (he was getting rather good at anticipating what the teacher was going to say). Of course, confrontations usually didn't escalate until later in the day (it seemed that the Slytherins got bored, or perhaps Malfoy couldn't quite keep himself occupied for an entire twenty four hours and needed to seek out Harry).

"...Potter, you look like something the weasel dragged in," Malfoy's drawl slithered across the air, helpfully lubricated by his hair. Harry wondered if that really even deserved an answer, but at the same time he was turning, mouth open.

"Well, hello, Malfoy. You're as pleasant as always," Summer with the Dursleys' had taught Harry that tact wasn't necessary to live, but a good dose of sarcasm could perk up any conversation. Not that he really wanted to have a conversation with Draco. "The summer really gave your complexion a nice rosy glow." He added, looking at the Slytherin with a wide grin.

"Just about as much as it did for your intelligence, Potter." Malfoy snapped back. The two stood on opposite sides of the hall for a moment, regarding each other. They did this every new year, standing back and tossing a few idle verbal barbs. Neither of them was very good at it, but it made for a good way to pass the time.

"Speaking of intelligence, I now know where you get yours. Your father is simply brilliant," The none-too-subtle insult was in reaction to Lucius's activity over the summer. Harry watched as Draco's face pinked. He never turned entirely red, instead the flush started at the tips of his ears and slowly invaded his face. It made Malfoy look younger, and far more like a spoiled brat.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Draco squealed; his voice rose when he got angry. He took a step closer to Harry, raising his fist and still repeating the phrase, as if it would silence the Gryffindor. Harry rose to the challenge, matching Draco's movement with one of his own, so they were barely an arm's length apart.

"The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Harry asked, finding himself with the upper hand for once. He turned his head, looking at Draco from the corner of his eye ... and had been in the midst of opening his mouth to say something (over Draco's continued mantra of 'shut up') when a fist found its way into his cheek. Now, Draco wasn't a weakling, necessarily, but in comparison to Dudley, he was but the passing of the morning's dew on a leaf.

"...You hit like a girl." Hermione would be so mad at him.

Draco was still saying 'shut up', but he was saying it quieter now, as he took another step forward. Both of his hands were fisted, and he waved them in Harry's direction, thumb curled inside of his fingers. Harry grabbed one of Draco's hands as it got too close to his face again and moved forward.


Draco responded to this by biting Harry's shoulder. Harry responded to that by slamming the blonde into the hallway wall, putting his full weight into it.

"... fuck." Draco breathed, reliquinshing his hold on Harry's shoulder, finding himself wedged between the Boy Who Lived and Hogwarts. "Fuck. Fuck you." Harry stepped on Draco's foot, and effectively pinned him.

"Hell," Harry replied, "...the truth hurts, doesn't it."

It did.
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