Title: The One In Which Boys Are Embarrassed And Palms Are Sweaty (Or: Why It Doesn’t Pay To Be Late To Dance Lessons)
sparkysparkyRating: R-ish (I couldn’t quite write 14 year olds shagging, but I was rather more explicit than a PG-13 rating warranted. If there was a 16+ rating it would be more appropriate)
Challenge: Favorite (Movie) Canon Moments:
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Comments 18
Though, if it had, Harry quite thought he’d be turned off sex for life.
his natural inclination to let Ron take charge tried to assert itself
Well tiptoed through year four - a dodgy era to try and write!!
Thank you for reviewing, and picking out 3 of my favorite lines! :-D
Very nice story. At least at the next dance lesson they can cut loose a bit. Of course, McGonagall might have to throw a bucket of cold water over them to stop the dirty dancing, but that culd be fun, too. :-)
Thank you for commenting! And DOOD! You totally know that McG is pulling for the boys. She's so amused and like, "Really, did you think I wouldn't know" in her head.
I can just see someone finding it amusing to transfigure Harry's clothes into a ballgown.
This is so cute... of course Molly would make the boys take lessons! She would never pass up an opportunity to make them cultured young men... while driving them crazy at the same time!
And yes! My thoughts on Molly exactly! She knows her boys are rough and tumble types, but really. Can't blame her for trying.
Haha... yeah. I think the only one ABOVE a little ballgown-wearing Harry at the Yule Ball is Ron, if you catch my drift.
Several people already in the common room looked up at Hermione's question, looking for all the world as if they were as interested in the answer as Hermione was.
"Hermione!" Ron said, shocked at her language, and pulled her away from the center of the room, Harry following along behind. "We're...we're..."
"Since the Second Task," Harry heard himself say, unaware where the urge to come out had come from. Ron looked at him shocked, his mouth dropped open in a little "O". Harry bit his lip and sent him an apologetic look.
OMG. Perfect. That part....so funny. Good job! :D
There's a grammatical error though...nearly at the end it says 'Ron had gotten closer to Harry by now, but they weren't touch.' It should be 'touching' instead of 'touch.'
Thank you!!
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