Character List

Apr 05, 2007 16:15

Bell, Katie
Brown, Lavender dressy_lav
Creevey, Colin captured_colin
Creevey, Dennis
Finnigan, Seamus
Granger, Hermione brainy_witch
Johnson, Angelina
Jordan, Lee
Longbottom, Neville mimulus_neville
MacDonald, Natalie
McLaggen, Cormac
Patil, Parvati
Peakes, Jimmy
Potter, Harry harry_hpr
Spinnet, Alicia
Thomas, Dean
Vane, Romilda
Weasley, George
Weasley, Ginny ginny_hpr
Weasley, Percy (played by mods)
Weasley, Ronald sir_weasley

Abbott, Hannah mommy_hannah
Bones, Susan huffle_sus
Branstone, Eleanor
Cauldwell, Owen
Finch-Fletchley, Justin
Hopkins, Wayne econtra
Jones, Megan magical_meg
Macmillan, Ernie
Madley, Laura
Smith, Zacharias zarcastic
Stebbins (male)
Summerby (male)
Summers (male)
Whitby, Kevin
Zeller, Rose

Ackerley, Stewart
Boot, Terry got_smarts
Brocklehurst, Mandy pretty_mandy
Carmichael, Eddie
Chang, Cho
Clearwater, Penelope
Corner, Michael be_like_mike
Davies, Roger
Edgecombe, Marietta
Entwhistle, Kevin raven_kevin
Goldstein, Anthony
Lovegood, Luna lostmyturnips
Li, Su
Macdougal, Morag blood_enforcer
Patil, Padma
Quirke, Orla orla_the_quirky
Turpin, Lisa assuesco

Baddock, Malcolm
Bletchley, Miles
Bulstrode, Millicent maliciousmillie
Crabbe, Vincent
Davis, Tracey obscurus_tracey
Flint, Marcus
Goyle, Gregory
Greengrass, Daphne
Higgs, Terence
Malfoy, Draco untamedragon
Nott, Theodore teh_ebil_theo
Parkinson, Pansy girly_pansy
Pritchard, Graham
Pucey, Adrian pukeypucey
Warrington, C
Zabini, Blaise

Hagrid, Rubeus
McGonagall, Minerva
Moody, Alastor "Mad-Eye"
Snape, Severus metus_snape
Tonks, Nymphadora auror_nymph
Weasley, Arthur
Weasley, Bill
Weasley, Charlie
Weasley, Molly
Flitwick, Filius
Pince, Irma
Pomfrey, Poppy
Slughorn, Horace
Trelawney, Sibyll
Umbridge, Dolores
Laurent, Camille x_camille

Dumbledore, Albus
Malfoy, Lucius lethal_lucius
Slytherin, Salazar
Riddle, Tom aka Lord Voldemort
Potter, James (On HOLD)
Potter, Lily readheaddead
Black, Sirius
Malfoy, Narcissa
Lupin, Remus J.
Weasley, Fred
Pettigrew, Peter
Black, Regulus (On Hold)
Lestrange, Bellatrix

Those with journals are taken. All others are open.

Characters in the Dead list are available for play, but it could be a while before they come into the game. If you are interested in holding one of these, let the Mods know.

character list

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