Title: No Charms Here
Rated: R/NC-17
Prompt: Natural
A/N: Yes, it’s late, but it only came to me in a bizarre train of thought after I finished
Where Is It? “I’ve always wondered, is it really that color?”
“Harry! How could you ask that?!”
“I’ve always loved it, it’s probably one of my favorite things about you, but there’s still so much about everyday magic I just don’t know. I’d like to think it was real...”
“Look carefully, what do you think?”
“Could be magic. Charms can do amazing things.”
“This is silly,” Ginny declared, dropping her pants.
Harry moved in close, taking a careful look between her legs.
“Yep, natural red!” he announced.
“Happy now?”
“Yes. But, what does natural red taste like?”
Ginny squealed as he found out.