It’s Time (Prompt: Rushed)

May 11, 2009 00:07

Title: It’s Time
Words: 100
Rating: PG (very mild language)
Author’s Notes: H/G are both alluded to, so I think this qualifies. If enough people, or the mods, disagree, you have my full apologies. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy my first contribution to this comm.

“There you are! Hurry up, get to the Floo!”

“Damnit, Kingsley! I told you,” yelled Harry as he stripped out of the dueling robes which were spelled to not allow removal from the Ministry building.

“I’m sorry, okay? I already chewed out Robards. Your name is off the rotation.”

“Fat lot of good that does me now,” he muttered while donning his everyday robes.

“Hurry, Ginny’s no longer hexing walls, she’s going for Healers now.”

“You wondered why I needed off of work before James and Albus...”

Kingsley threw powder into the fireplace, yelled “St. Mungos!” and pushed Harry in.

rushed, :author: dragyn_42

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