Title: Leave Out All the Rest
Author: ????
hpgeorgecentricPairing(s): George/Luna, hints of George/Angelina and George/Hermione, but mostly Gen.
Word Count: 80,000 words ::gulp:: (5800 in this part)
Rating: R
Summary: Nobody expected the year after Fred's death would be easy. But nobody expected George would have to lose so much, just to live through
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Comments 6
Glad you're enjoying the flashbacks. I almost took them out, but then realized that, character development aside, without them the story was all just one long, looong slide from Dismal through Appalling to Hellish. I don't want to read that, let alone write it ;)
I loved the flashbacks. George and Fred blaming themselves for Dumbledore's death was very sad and completely believable. Of course, it wasn't their fault, but it's believable that they would think that way.
I loved that Hermione wanted to help them find a way to make certain Death Eaters could not buy their products.
You did an excellent job of showing how difficult Christmas was.
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