Title: Leave Out All the Rest
Author: ????
hpgeorgecentricPairing(s): George/Luna, hints of George/Angelina and George/Hermione, but mostly Gen.
Word Count: 80,000 words ::gulp:: (6540 in this part)
Rating: R
Summary: Nobody expected the year after Fred's death would be easy. But nobody expected George would have to lose so much, just to live through
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Comments 8
Off to continue reading.
George says OW! but acknowledges he probably earned it ;)
This is an excellent story--You are doing a very good job of delving into George's grief, and I also really like the flashbacks to the Weasley's childhood.
Thanks! It's not a pairing I normally write - or read - so I'm glad it seems to have worked :) :)
This is an excellent story--You are doing a very good job of delving into George's grief, and I also really like the flashbacks to the Weasley's childhood.
::beaming:: Thank you! So glad the flashbacks seem to have gone over well, instead of just being kind of annoying ;)
Thank you!
George's feelings and reactions seem so painfully realistic to me. *hugs him*
Yeah, he's seriously in need of hugs here. Actually... for almost the entire story except for some of the flashbacks. Hm. Must remember to be a little kinder next time I write him.
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