Eyes As Clear As Centuries by marginaliadorrie6February 25 2007, 21:28:25 UTC
Title: Eyes As Clear As Centuries Author: marginalia Archive: Livejournal Rating: PG Length: 1180 words Time Period: Harry's school years Summary: People see only one version of Neville Longbottom. If they see him at all.
Title: Bewitchment Author: bryonyraven Archive: Livejournal Rating: NC-17 Length: ~2700 words Time Period: Harry's school years Summary: Luna shows Neville a new plant in one of the greenhouses, one with unexpectedly potent characteristics.
Title: And You My Wayward Girl Author: thistlerose Archive: Livejournal Rating: R Length: 3000 words Time Period: Post-war Summary: It's when he's not looking that it happens.
Title: Supernova Author: corvidae9 Archive: Livejournal Rating: R Length: 10,650 words Time Period: War fic Summary: Luna becomes a weapon of mass destruction and Neville discovers what it's like to be the hero.
Comments 4
Author: marginalia
Archive: Livejournal
Rating: PG
Length: 1180 words
Time Period: Harry's school years
Summary: People see only one version of Neville Longbottom. If they see him at all.
Author: bryonyraven
Archive: Livejournal
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~2700 words
Time Period: Harry's school years
Summary: Luna shows Neville a new plant in one of the greenhouses, one with unexpectedly potent characteristics.
Author: thistlerose
Archive: Livejournal
Rating: R
Length: 3000 words
Time Period: Post-war
Summary: It's when he's not looking that it happens.
Author: corvidae9
Archive: Livejournal
Rating: R
Length: 10,650 words
Time Period: War fic
Summary: Luna becomes a weapon of mass destruction and Neville discovers what it's like to be the hero.
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