Title: Flowers and Notes Author: elfflame Archive: Livejournal Rating: PG Length: Short one-shot Time Period: Harry's school years Summary: Neville has decided the time has come to tell her his feelings.
Title: Promise Author: bryonyraven Archive: Livejournal Rating: NC-17 Length: 2969 words Time Period: Post-war Summary: Ginny has issues. Neville manages to work around them.
Title: One Way to Get a Date Author: bryonyraven Archive: Livejournal Rating: NC-17 Length: 3334 words Time Period: Harry's school years Summary: Seamus smiled smugly. “If Neville Longbottom doesn’t have a date to Hogsmeade after this weekend, it won’t be anybody’s fault but his own!”
Title: Unnamed Author: Foodie Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3158961/1/ Archive: Fanfiction.net Rating: PG13 Warnings: Childbirth (vague reference) Length: One-shot Time Period: Post-war Summary: Ginny and Neville prepare for the birth of their first child. What they weren't expecting, was having so much trouble coming up with a name.
Comments 17
Explanation of Archive: A community for fics for any of the Weasley siblings.
Author: elfflame
Archive: Livejournal
Rating: PG
Length: Short one-shot
Time Period: Harry's school years
Summary: Neville has decided the time has come to tell her his feelings.
Author: bryonyraven
Archive: Livejournal
Rating: NC-17
Length: 2969 words
Time Period: Post-war
Summary: Ginny has issues. Neville manages to work around them.
Author: bryonyraven
Archive: Livejournal
Rating: NC-17
Length: 3334 words
Time Period: Harry's school years
Summary: Seamus smiled smugly. “If Neville Longbottom doesn’t have a date to Hogsmeade after this weekend, it won’t be anybody’s fault but his own!”
Author: Foodie
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3158961/1/
Archive: Fanfiction.net
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Childbirth (vague reference)
Length: One-shot
Time Period: Post-war
Summary: Ginny and Neville prepare for the birth of their first child. What they weren't expecting, was having so much trouble coming up with a name.
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