H/D Short Oneshot: A Time to Have It All

Jun 17, 2012 07:47

“Do you ever wonder what if?” Harry mused aloud.

Draco turned toward him in the cramped seat, a biscuit having just passed his thin lips. Harry watched as a pink tongue swept out to lick at a crumb and Draco let out a deep seated sigh.

“I won’t say the thought never crosses my mind but there is nothing I’d do to trade their happiness for our own and I don’t think you would either.” He said in a dead serious tone of voice.

“No, but don’t you think they prove we could’ve made a go at it.” Harry replied.

Draco stared out at the young couple, a mere shadow of Harry and himself at a different time. Harry wondered just what was going through the other man’s head. Finally, Draco turned himself so that their bodies were touching just barely at the knees. His words were just a whisper as he spoke but with their close proximity, Harry heard them loud and clear.

“We never really stood a chance like they did. Our being together was never really in the cards because we were pitted on opposite sides from the very beginning. I’m just glad we could put that all aside for them. Scorpius and Al love each other and that’s a thing to be celebrated. Yeah, maybe if we’d had their beginning, then things would’ve been different… but they weren’t and I see no reason to wonder about something that never was.”

Harry thought he saw the glimmer of an unshed tear in Draco’s eye but he didn’t acknowledge it. His eyes again went to the couple before them and a quiet sadness overtook him.

“So what you’re saying is we could’ve had it all… if there just hadn’t been any Voldemort or Dumbledore… any Lucius or Snape… then maybe.”

Harry’s words cut off with a shuddering gasp as he fought to hold back his sobs and then he felt Draco’s hand upon his shoulder.

“Harry, it’s okay, we had our time, after the war. I don’t regret it and neither should you. The boys’ being together now just proves that we did the right thing.”

“How can you say that, Draco? You just admitted that that could’ve been us. That we could’ve been that happy and instead we’re both old and alone, me a long divorced man and you a recent widower. Where the hell is the justice in that?”

There was a raw edge to Harry’s words as he spoke. He’d been angry for a long time at Draco’s parents for forcing him into a loveless marriage. He’d been angry at himself for never giving another bloke a chance and marrying Ginny Weasley instead. Now he was just angry at everyone and everything! His thoughts were stolen away by Draco’s next words.

“Harry do you still love me?”

He heard the uncertain curiosity in that voice and his response was immediate.

“Of course I do… I always have, I always will.”

Draco’s hand skimmed tentatively down Harry’s cheek. Harry could see Draco’s own feelings surfacing within his stormy gaze.

“Maybe we can still have it all…”

Draco’s words were softly spoken but they were met by Harry’s eager lips pressing against his mouth. Harry had dreamed of this moment for so long and he found himself wanting nothing more than to go back in time, to have another chance with Draco. He could feel the man deepening the kiss one moment but then backing away the very next but Harry held him close, not wanting him to get away this time. Nothing would deter him from celebrating this moment, his moment to once again have it all, not even the quiet snickering now coming from the nearby garden…

community: comment_fic, project:fic or drabble, pairing:draco/harry, rating:pg, pairing:albus severus/scorpius

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