Here we go - start posting your requests!
For more detailed information, especially regarding how you fulfill requests, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW
THIS POST. Thank you. ;)
Here are the rules and the templates again for your convenience:
→ You are entitled to four requests.
→ You may fulfill up to four requests.
→ Keep your doodles PG-13 and under, since we do not have the ability to flag and collapse comments for adult content. I'm putting this rule into place as R/NC-17-rated doodles call more attention to themselves than R/NC-17-rated fics, and when there's no warning of what you could potentially be seeing, we encounter problems.
→ Images must be no larger than 500 x 500 pixels.
→ Any and all mediums are welcome, but pencil and paper is preferred.
Template for making a request:
Character(s)/Ship(s): Prompt: Maximum Rating: Template for fulfilling a request:
Artist: Title: Rating: Have fun doodling! :DD