HP Tarot Awards Announcement! Here are the winners!

Jan 12, 2012 02:06

Thank you all for being so patient! It's time to reveal the HP Tarot Round Four Awards! Thank you to all who nominated and of course to all who participated and made it such a fantastic fest ( Read more... )

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Comments 29

inamac January 12 2012, 09:37:38 UTC
Thank you for those reminders of a good fest, and some very good fic and artwork. (I'd completely left mine off of my annual roundup - so thank you for that too!)


ravenna_c_tan January 13 2012, 05:44:49 UTC
LOL! I just found a fic of mine recently that I wrote four years ago but had forgotten to either add to my master list or archive. Haha! The birds come back to roost somehow. :-) Congratulations!


tryslora January 12 2012, 11:54:24 UTC
...I did not almost choke on my cereal this morning. Mostly. Wow. Thank you!


eternaleponine January 13 2012, 00:54:22 UTC
Congratulations! :-)


angelbabe_cj January 12 2012, 12:57:36 UTC
Oooh, lovely. Thank you, mystery nominator.

Also, not to be picky, but my name is wrong on the banner. I'd change it myself, but frankly there's a reason my art is done in 99% traditional materials rather than digital. (I totally get it btw, it's only one key off, just ummm... yeah.)


ravenna_c_tan January 13 2012, 05:50:36 UTC
LOL! That's what I get for making banners while sick in bed with a cold and two cats on my lap! Easy to fix though. Look above and you should see the updated version!


angelbabe_cj January 13 2012, 12:28:01 UTC
Hooray banner! Although boo you being sick in bed. :( I'm given to understand cats on the lap can make eeeeverything difficult, especially typing! Hope you're better soon.


moodywho January 12 2012, 13:38:08 UTC
Wow, thank you so much, everybody!


ravenna_c_tan January 13 2012, 05:50:48 UTC
Well deserved!


scarletladyy January 12 2012, 15:45:22 UTC
D:D:D:D: I didn't even expect to be nominated for anything, so to win something is amazing! Thank you so much! :) This means the world to me! :D


ravenna_c_tan January 13 2012, 05:42:38 UTC
Congrats! Several readers were like "This fic is amazing I'm not even sure what thing to nominate it under!" So I just encouraged them to express their feelings. :-)


scarletladyy January 13 2012, 19:45:01 UTC
Oh wow! That's so lovely! :) Thank you :)


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