King of Cups

Sep 12, 2011 13:40

Title: King of Cups
Artist: leochi
Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Remus Lupin
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JKR
Warnings: None
Summary: Remus seems the perfect character to represent this card. He has such a kind soul, and even if he isn't a healer, he still managed to teach Harry to heal himself by conjuring a patronus. (JKR ( Read more... )

round 4, remus, pg, type: art, by: leochi, card: king of cups

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Comments 13

lotrwariorgodss September 12 2011, 11:55:23 UTC
Love it! I think you're right - Remus is a perfect fit for this card. As for his not being a "Healer", from what I gather from his personality, he was probably the healer of his friends group (at least emotionally - sort of like the group psychologist, you know?). Nice job!


leochi September 20 2011, 19:03:42 UTC
Thank you so much! :D
Yes, I totally agree with your view of Remus! <3


wickedlywitchy September 12 2011, 16:55:50 UTC
Lovely <3
His gentle expression is so Remus.


leochi September 20 2011, 19:04:00 UTC
Thank you so much! :D


inamac September 12 2011, 18:47:30 UTC
That's a lovely portrayal. I like the full moon in the background, and the implication that the potion he's holding has allowed him to be calm despite the season. Definitely the right character for the card.


leochi September 20 2011, 19:04:31 UTC
Thank you so much, I love your interpretation, it's so apt! :D


ravenna_c_tan September 13 2011, 09:00:26 UTC
And that interpretation comes right from the Rider Waite traditional... seems so fitting! I love the colors here, the rich color of his robes reflected in the potion and in his cheeks.


leochi September 20 2011, 19:05:27 UTC
The interpretation you offered was so spot on, I just had to use it. (And I love doing that card! :D)

Thank you so much for your kind appreciation! <333


angelbabe_cj September 18 2011, 22:32:19 UTC
Remus fits so nicely into that interpretation. I really like the artwork too, and I'm especially drawn to the cup. Lovely work.


leochi September 20 2011, 19:05:41 UTC
Thank you so much for your kind words! :D <3


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