Invaluable by Twisted Miracle

Feb 20, 2007 10:43

Title: Invaluable
Author: Twisted Miracle
Type: Fiction
Length: Approximately 7400 words
Main character or Pairing: Harry/Draco
Card: Ten of wands
Card Interpretation: "The place which the figure is approaching may suffer from the rods that he carries ( Read more... )

card: ten of wands, nc-17, harry/draco, round 1, by: twistedm, fic

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Comments 12

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twistedm February 20 2007, 18:56:19 UTC
thank you so much! what a wonderful compliment.


ravenna_c_tan February 20 2007, 17:33:00 UTC
Only you could turn a horcrux hunt into a dirty-talking sexual romp! Yummy and so very H/D.


twistedm February 20 2007, 18:57:53 UTC
awww... thank you!

and thank you also for your email about that typo. i felt unnerved enough to read through it again looking for more, and found at least three! ack! "him mother," "artifact," can't remember the third. i'm sure there was a third, though. anyway, i fixed everything i found. thank you for the nudge!


ravenna_c_tan February 20 2007, 19:12:23 UTC
No problem!


owens_mom February 20 2007, 17:52:57 UTC
Then Malfoy was gone, down the stairs in a whirl of robes so dramatic that Harry thought the other boy must practice in front of a mirror. -- I just love that. Still love this story. :D


twistedm February 20 2007, 18:58:47 UTC
thanks, babe. i have to admit though, that i prefer the line about Narcissa trying to explain the cuteness of baby shoes. ;)


lotrwariorgodss February 20 2007, 23:28:19 UTC
Really enjoyed this when I first read it, and I enjoyed it again! Once again, I can't help feeling so so bad for Draco in the end, he's just so...betrayed. Nice job!


twistedm March 5 2007, 02:14:28 UTC
i always see lucius as the villainous parent and narcissa as the good, if stuck-up, mummy. :)

so glad you enjoyed it!


lampblack March 5 2007, 01:31:33 UTC
I enjoyed this! I was getting all tense about the boys *wasting time on sex* instead of finding that horcrux; thank goodness Harry just goes for the easy way of finding Dark Artifacts, heh heh. The baby shoe incident was sweet and poignant. Good read!


twistedm March 5 2007, 02:16:48 UTC
i felt so totally justified in having harry think of a summoning spell, since he thought of one in canon, in the cave with dumbledore! (where it didn't work, but oh well.)

and i'm glad you liked the baby shoe part! i love seeing narcissa as an ordinary mummy, wanting to dress her baby in cute clothes. :)


lampblack March 5 2007, 02:59:09 UTC
Yes, and Harry's magical approach is very much to do the easiest solution, like using a bezoar rather than mix a complicated potion!
Narcissa is *so* much an ordinary- and good- mother. I once read a biography where the writer said her father had the servants polish and burnish his new handmade shoes with a rhinoceros horn for five years before he wore them, so they'd have the perfect shine. Even the soles, heh heh. So Narcissa is from the old money wizard family that uses shoe trees, and Lucius is the nouveau riche upstart!


twistedm March 5 2007, 13:32:26 UTC
Harry's magical approach is very much to do the easiest solution, like using a bezoar rather than...

i quite agree. an excellent point!


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