Title: Even Old Dogs can Learn New Tricks
Author:Melfina the Blue
Type: Fiction
Length: 4700 words
Main character or Pairing:Lucius Malfoy (mostly through the eyes of Draco)
Rating: R
Canon compliancy: Non-Epilogue compliant
Disclaimer:I own nothing. JKR and WB own everything and I am not making any sort of profit from this.
Warnings: Mention
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Comments 7
The sideline of Draco's impending marriage and is feud with Harry was done to just the right degree too. Bravo.
I know my humane Lucius comes directly from DH, and what we see of him there. I still think he's a villain, but a villain with a human side is far more interesting to me then a inhuman monster. It's an interesting thing to explore... How can someone either turn a blind eye or actively participate in atrocities and then go home and be a father and a husband?
(the fact that he's an aristocratic English blond played by Jason Isaacs has absolutely nothing to do with it, nope. )
(The aristocratic English thing sort of passes me over, being a Brit myself, although I agree Jason Isaacs does bring a certain something to the role)
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