We Shine Like Stars. (Fic, GW/LL, SS/HP, NC17 7/7)

Aug 15, 2008 18:12

Title: We Shine Like Stars 7
Author: Cluegirl
Type: Fiction
Length: Novella -- words.
Main character or Pairing: Ginny/Luna, with a side of Harry/Snape.
Rating: NC17
Canon compliancy: Shooting for canon compliance. If you squint.
Disclaimer: All HP characters are the sole intellectual property of JKRowling, whom I am not. Therefore, I make no ( Read more... )

nc-17, by: cluegirl, ginny/luna, round 3, hp/ss, fic

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Comments 18

linnet_melody August 16 2008, 01:01:27 UTC
Absolutely amazing. I adore how you make life in your work what it really is: complex and fluid and never-easy-answers.

And! <3 for all the words you made Luna know. Poeditzies! Heehee!


cluegirl August 16 2008, 02:33:16 UTC
THankee! I never realized what great FUN Luna would be to write. I love the way she has an answer for everything, even if she's totally making it up on the spot.

I'm so glad you liked this -- but I do have to admit, it might have taken less time to write if I had gone for a simple formula.

Still glad I didn't though. I hope the wait was worth it!


realpestilence August 16 2008, 02:44:12 UTC
I read this, since you sounded so worn-out, *despite* my usual distaste for Ginny...and was pleasantly surprised. You made me like her and you made me *want* all of them to be together in their unconventional yet satisfying, loving relationship. I bet they're going to end up with a LOT of kids. *laughs*

I'd really love to see the Severus/Harry story itself, too, not filtered through Ginny's observations. :)


cluegirl August 16 2008, 02:47:15 UTC
I bet they're going to end up with a LOT of kids.

Ginny says only so long as Luna gets to carry her share of 'em!

Thanks a lot -- both for reading despite your inclinations, and for letting me know you like it!


lotrwariorgodss August 16 2008, 08:32:02 UTC
I have to say I was hesitant to read this one, what with the femmeslash, and the multiple parts, and the...Ginny-ness...lol, but I'm SO glad I did! The way the story was written was beautiful, and the premise of them all sharing a sort of love together was something I found I liked a lot. And your characterization of all the main characters was perfect - you actually made me like Ginny, which is saying quite a bit! Just a lovely story overall - excellent entry!


cluegirl August 18 2008, 03:15:05 UTC
Thank you! I'm so relieved to hear that you liked it despite your inclinations, and I'm really really flattered that you chose to give it a chance.

I'm also glad to hear you liked Ginny, because I'm normally quite ambivalent on her as a character, so I took it as a challenge to find a portrayal that would come across as positive and sympathetic, without entering Mary Sue-dom.


acidpop25 August 17 2008, 20:38:51 UTC
I have to preface my review by saying I like Luna/Ginny fine, but hold a deep, deep hatred for Snarry as a general rule.

That said? This was incredible, and all the characters and relationships were intricately, marvelously developed. I absolutely love it; it's a beautiful and somehow very real piece of fiction. Well done.


cluegirl August 18 2008, 03:17:26 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad to hear you liked it!

I kind of knew when I chose this story to tell, that it was going to be tricky to find an audience that would read it. Most Ginny lovers don't like Snarry, and most Snarry lovers don't like Ginny, after all. So I was hoping that people, like yourself, would decide to give it a chance, and find something they liked in it.

I'm so glad to hear you do.


winterthunder August 21 2008, 02:04:22 UTC
I have to say, it took me a bit of time to get into the flow of this (and it probably would have helped if I'd read it in one sitting instead of three), but once I did I really enjoyed it. You've made Ginny believably pleasant, Luna is spot on and the relationship between the four is really quite intriguing. Though I think it's Luna's turn to carry a child... :D


cluegirl August 23 2008, 19:46:31 UTC
Ginny agrees with you.

And I'm glad you've persevered despite the un-linear flow of it.


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