We Shine Like Stars. (Fic, GW/LL, SS/HP, NC17 -- 6/7)

Aug 15, 2008 17:53

Title: We Shine Like Stars 6
Author: Cluegirl
Type: Fiction
Length: Novella -- words.
Main character or Pairing: Ginny/Luna, with a side of Harry/Snape.
Rating: NC17
Canon compliancy: Shooting for canon compliance. If you squint.
Disclaimer: All HP characters are the sole intellectual property of JKRowling, whom I am not. Therefore, I make no ( Read more... )

nc-17, by: cluegirl, ginny/luna, round 3, hp/ss, fic

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Comments 4

ravenna_c_tan August 23 2008, 03:22:28 UTC
Oh, I love Snape here, and he surely *is* reading her at the end there... lovely. And Bulstrode FTW!


cluegirl August 23 2008, 19:28:33 UTC
Heh -- yeah, I couldn't imagine Snape leaving Ginny's mental state un-plumbed, given all that was at stake. Even he could see that Harry was really attached to her, as of 6th year, so he'd want to be sure she was at least able to carry on.

And I'm glad you liked Milly. She was a bit of a surprise to me when I was writing this, but I positively adore her now!


amanuensis1 August 23 2008, 18:06:26 UTC
“Call yer mum!” Milicent replied, and shoved her into the floo.

Ah ha ha, I love that as an ending. It echoes every "Eat my shorts!"-type throwaway insult.

Snape caught her hand in a grip of iron, pulled her face in close to his own, and hissed, “Prove it!”

I love that. I was so hoping you'd let us see Snape letting the mask slip for just a second, and that was perfect. Mask-slipping without actually revealing that it's slipped, unless you're in the know.


cluegirl August 23 2008, 19:30:40 UTC

Milly turned out to be something of a stealth scene-stealer there, I'll admit. I'm quite fond of her, really.

And you have no idea how much I angsted over getting that scene between Snape and Ginny just right! I actually left it till last, because I knew it was going to take such a careful mix of balance and revelation to illustrate what Snape was up to, without giving it all away to Ginny too early.

I'm SO relieved to hear it worked!


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