We Shine Like Stars. (Fic, GW/LL, SS/HP, NC17 -- 5/7)

Aug 15, 2008 17:46

Title: We Shine Like Stars 5
Author: Cluegirl
Type: Fiction
Length: Novella -- words.
Main character or Pairing: Ginny/Luna, with a side of Harry/Snape.
Rating: NC17
Canon compliancy: Shooting for canon compliance. If you squint.
Disclaimer: All HP characters are the sole intellectual property of JKRowling, whom I am not. Therefore, I make no ( Read more... )

nc-17, by: cluegirl, ginny/luna, round 3, hp/ss, fic

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Comments 4

amanuensis1 August 22 2008, 20:28:27 UTC
made the fiery letters turn AK green,

I love how that's just so self-explanatory.

another just above her shirt collar, the size and shape of Jamie’s little hand.

*melts into puddle*

Okay, the "accuse the witch" games they're describing are SO DAMN SEXY it's not even funny. *pant pant pants*

its wound bleeding milky, pungent tears.

Oh, I freakin' love that. And do you know? I've never done that with an onion when I needed to have a good cry but it wouldn't come. I'm going to remember it, because, yeah.


cluegirl August 23 2008, 19:41:51 UTC
Hee hee! I figured their Rowena Ravenclaw and Beatrix Beauxbatons games got really kinky as they got a bit older, too.


ravenna_c_tan August 23 2008, 03:08:50 UTC
“Gin,” This time it was Harry’s voice that rang with warning. “What are you trying to pull here?”

“Your head out of your arse,” she replied.

So much love for this fic. And the description of Snape as a frost-rimed column. Oh yes.


cluegirl August 23 2008, 19:42:56 UTC
You have no idea how much fun it was to write Ginny matchmaking with those two. She's the perfect red-headed agitatrix, I think, when Harry's martyr complex and Snape's obsessive dignity come to loggerheads.


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