Title: Knight of Wands, Seven of Cups and Three of Swords
leochi Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: These characters belongs to JKR and no money is made by the art
Warnings: None
Summary: A spread of three cards belonging together. Sorry I hadn't managed to post all three together this morning; I hadn't
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Comments 60
Well, for me it's easier to draw than to write, so I wouldn't know. But I'm glad you think the colours are suitable in the third card, it was definitely the most difficult to draw even if it has less detail than the others.
I should also have commented on the Knight earlier - Draco in Slytherin green and silver - the texture of his clothes and hair, and his haughty and haunted expression is lovely.
Glad you thought the colours for the 3 of Swords appropriate. I wanted the card to be really dark.
And I felt this when I looked at the first one but didn't mention it, for some reason...it may sound strange, but they give me this feeling of autumn. I think it's the colours and the intensity but whatever it is...autumn is my favourite time of year, so it makes me love them even more!
You might be right that those colours are kind of autumn-evoking. And this season is my favourite too :-)))
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