King of Cups [Fic]

Mar 04, 2007 20:05

Title: A Life in Four Monologues
Author: kirasha
Type: Fiction
Length: ~ 1,600
Main character or Pairing: Remus Lupin, through the eyes of Nymphadora Tonks, Bill Weasley, Harry Potter, and Severus Snape
Card: King of Cups
Card Interpretation: "A gentle man. A healer. A good advisor. A good-natured, brown-haired man with light eyes."
Rating: PG
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by: kirasha, remus, pg, round 1, fic, card: king of cups

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Comments 15

clauclauclaudia March 5 2007, 05:41:36 UTC
Four linked interpretation, and one person who sees him each way. I love it, and not just for the Snupin-y ending! I like the format and how you worked within it, to show us Remus through their eyes.


kirasha March 6 2007, 03:53:01 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad the format worked for you. :-)


ravenna_c_tan March 5 2007, 07:18:11 UTC
Oh my, that was lovely. So nicely turned, with the four points of view, each leading to the other, and ending it with Snape's voice especially, just really well done. I think I'm slowly being converted to Snape/Lupin...



kirasha March 6 2007, 03:55:09 UTC
Thank you! Severus was actually the muse giving me the most difficulty while writing this, so I'm especially glad that section came out well.

I think I'm slowly being converted to Snape/Lupin...

One of my favorite comments to get! :-)


(The comment has been removed)

kirasha March 6 2007, 03:58:29 UTC
*blushes* Thank you! I really think the type of person depicted in the card is best seen through how others see him. I'm glad that approach worked for this. :-)


rubymiene March 6 2007, 04:48:37 UTC
Awwww...the ordering of the voices were perfect, and the characterization was spot-on. I love reluctantly-emotional Snape.


kirasha March 9 2007, 00:34:31 UTC
Thank you so much! :-)


pinkelephant42 March 6 2007, 17:59:41 UTC
I love it, showing different parts of Remus' personality through different characters. I love how you've written Snape, especially. :)


kirasha March 9 2007, 00:35:35 UTC
Thank you very much! :-) I'm glad you liked it.


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