Jan 04, 2011 14:15

Name: Hannah
Age: 21
Gender: Female

About You
Describe your personality: I'm an intelligent, self-assured person who knows what I believe and who cares very, very deeply about the things in my life that matter to me. I love puzzles and problem-solving, I'm never content with the mediocre, I don't take things for granted. I have a hard time opening up to people as well as trusting them, but once you've befriended me I'm incredibly loyal. I'm always planning, and I like feeling in control of my life. I don't do things very spontaneously but I don't really regret much, because I try to live as fully as I can. It just honestly makes me happier to be in control - it's generally the things I've done on a whim that I've regretted most. I love story-telling, in any form. I love writing, and I have a vivid imagination that I absolutely love exercising. I write. I write A LOT. I have a way with words and I've developed a good speaking presence; when I care enough to stand up and speak, I can make people listen. It also helps that - despite my penchant for playful sarcasm - I'm very sincere. Even if I bend the truth, I rarely lie outright, and because I have such a difficult time opening up to people, it's just easier to be at least partially me than to try to construct a whole new personality. I'm very good at understanding people and I'm empathetic, and I genuinely like almost everyone I meet. People are fascinating. I'm absent-minded and I love day-dreaming, but I'm also very organized (I have a ~personal system).

Positive qualities: Creative, Curious, Passionate, Intelligent, Caring, Independent, Open-Minded, Principled, Sense of Humor, Imaginative, Sincere, Charismatic, Trustworthy, Doesn't Take Things for Granted

Negative qualities: Neurotic, Talkative/Rambling, Worrisome (I make mountains out of molehills), Emotionally charged (I'm like a volcano sometimes, I just... ~feel too much), Lack of self-control, fiscally irresponsible, Paranoid, Cynical, Holds Grudges, Socially anxious, Unwilling to share feelings sometimes, Dislikes Change, Proud

Neutral qualities: Melodramatic, Ambitious, very Absent-Minded, Put Others Before Myself, slightly Manipulative, Planner, Compulsive, Dislikes conflict, Reserved, Guilt complex

Likes: Reading/Books (a few of my favorites: Fight Club, Good Omens, Pride and Prejudice), Writing, Swimming, Music (and I play the oboe :3), Video Games, Shopping (I really love nice clothes), Singing (which I love nearly as much as reading), Animals (especially cats, hedgehogs, and giraffes), Long Walks, Spending time with my friends

Dislikes/Pet Peeves: Willful ignorance, intolerance, straps falling off my shoulders (that is my biggest pet peeve), arrogance (especially if it's unwarranted), callous disregard for the feelings of others, birds (except owls), things that are illogical,

Strengths: Intelligence, Charisma, Good listener, good at understanding others/empathizing, well-balanced mind, Eloquent

Weaknesses: Too sensitive, Holds grudges, social anxiety, insecure about my relationships with people, doesn't handle change well, care too much about what other people think

This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
Realistic or Idealistic: Realistic
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted
Brave or Safe: I'm brave when I have to be, but I'm not reckless.
Selfish or Selfless: Selfless
Stoic or Emotional: Emotional
Trusting or Cynical: Cynical - I tend to expect the worst. Though if someone gives me their trust, I respectfully give them mine.
Brains or Brawn: Brains
Cheerful or Melancholy: I'm like to be cheerful, but I'm generally more melancholy
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Modest or Vain: Modest, but I'm pretty proud
Independent or Dependent: Independent
Uptight or Laidback: I make it a point to be fairly easy-going
Funny or Serious: I take things seriously, but I love to make people laugh. :D

Harry Potter
You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you. The first object that comes to mind? A gun. I don’t like or really approve of violence, but if there happened to be a monster that was going to kill me if I didn’t kill it first… Well, let’s just say I’d like to see the morning. As for who I’d take, though, that’s a much more difficult question. The Forbidden Forest is obviously dangerous, so I’d want someone who knew what she or he was doing. There are so many qualified witches and wizards - to be honest, I think I’d take Sirius (assuming, of course, this forest venture takes place before his death or stint in Azkaban). He’s brash and bold and I think he’d be able to keep his head in a time of crisis. He’s a talented wizard, so his knowledge of spells and charms would certainly be plentiful. Further point, he’s a dog animagus: a nose to sniff out trouble, teeth to fight should he need to. He’d be a very useful companion. In addition to that, I think he’d be a good choice in terms of pure entertainment. XD

Which HP character do you indentify with most and why? This is a difficult question. There isn't a single character that made me go "Ahh~ That's me!" but I can see parts of myself in several. I'm an independent daydreamer like Luna, I can ~somewhat relate to Hermione's bookishness, I'm practical, logical, caring, and want to be a teacher like Lupin. Um. I wish I was like Tonks. We're both fiercely loyal and I'm sort of clumsy like she is, but I'm not cheerful or easy-going; I try to project Tonks. I see myself much more in Andromeda Tonks. Cynical, reserved, disagree with what our family believes in many ways... Okay, yes, I can't lie: I identify most with Andromeda Black-Tonks, but I'm stamped as Tonks far more often, so I guess my projection works. XP

What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? NOT BEING SHY ANYMORE. NO ANXIETY. NO DEPRESSION. A GENUINELY HAPPY ME.

If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? Um. Maybe? Am I going to age? Can I decide to just... stop if I ever get tired of living. If it's some respectable fairy-type person, maybe, but if it's a ~shady character I'd want to know the reasons behind the offer. XD It would be really hard, too, because I'd miss all the people in my life so, so much. It makes me a long time to form a close bond, but when I do it's tighter than cling wrap. If I did live forever, though, I guess I would use the time to read. A lot. I guess I'd also try to chart the happenings of the world at that time. Maybe having lived for so long will give me some sort of insight before things happen, and I can try to help. Otherwise I'm just going to be a selfish little thing and travel everywhere and read every book ever and learn everything about everything I possibly can. I would get a degree in everything. Ooh, and maybe I'd become a teacher, or install myself in some sort of hillside mansion and become the local witch wherever I lived.

If you lived in the wizarding world, what profession would you choose? Headmistress of Hogwarts. Education is a hot-button issue of mine, and I feel like as the head I could do some real good. I'd love to be a professor, first, of course, because I would love to have the opportunity to mold young minds and do some real good, hands-on, but there's very little power that comes with that position. I don't want power for the sake of power, and I don't want to be in the ministry, away from the school and the students I'm supposed to be helping. I'm not arrogant enough to assume I know best, but I do fervently believe that I would work as best I could towards the students' best interests.

Finally, please link three votes here:
-Working my way through the rest!

sorted! ravenclaw

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