Round 3 Sign Up Post!

Jan 16, 2011 14:55

Round 3 is finally here!

Before you sign-up for hp_spring_fling, please read the rules--even if you are a returning participant.

Sign-ups will last from January 16th until February 1st, 2011. Assignments will be e-mailed to you no later than February 12th, 2011 (it all depends on how many people sign up).

Please fill out this form and post it in a comment to this entry. If you have any questions/comments, just send an email to springflingmods[AT]gmail[DOT]com.

Magic Words:

Your gift
Pairings (you MUST write down AT LEAST 5 pairings, more welcome):
Would you accept gen fic as your gift? (yes/no):
If yes, write down AT LEAST 5 characters you'd like to read gen about
(more welcome):

Which rating would you prefer for your gift? [ ] No higher than
PG-13 [ ] PG-13/R [ ] R/NC-17 [ ] Any
I love:
I hate:
A Place:
An Item:
A Prompt:

Your fic
Pairings you don't like to write about:
Highest rating you're willing to write:
Favourite things to write about:
Things you can't write:
Would you write gen fic? (yes/no):
Characters you don't like to write gen about:
Anything else we should know:

Some tips and notes on how to fill the form and participate in our fic exchange:

- You can request any pairings you want. We love rare pairings, we love uber popular pairings, we love moderately famous pairings, we love once-popular-now-forgotten pairings... really, we don't discriminate against any ships. We only ask you one little favour: please try to ask for varied pairings. For instance, if you request super rare ships such as Hermione Granger/Octavius Pepper or Madam Rosmerta/Cho Chang, try also requesting a few popular pairings. This will make the matching process easier. Thank you in advance!

- This year you can also request and/or offer gen. This does not mean that you cannot receive/write a ship-centric fic. Gen is just a nice extra possibility for those who like it; it's not mandatory. Please note that even if you want gen, you still must fill the pairing-centric parts of this form, as this isn't a gen-only fest.

- For the rating, put [X] for whichever option applies to you.

- Speaking of ratings, you must be 18 or over to be able to offer and request R/NC-17. Writers under 18 are welcome to participate; they just can't offer nor receive anything beyond PG-13.

- NC-17 entries are locked and can only be viewed by community members. Thus you must join the community if you are interested in fics rated NC-17. Please note that if we can't find an age statement or a birth date on your profile (just the year will do), we won't be able to approve your membership request. We need to be able to confirm that you are at least 18.

- A place can be anything specific like Hogwarts, the kitchen at the Burrow etc, or simply a bed, at work… whatever you like. Same goes for the item. A broom, a wand, a cup of tea, a chocolate Easter bunny… be creative.

- The prompt should give the writer a general idea of what you would like to receive. Choose whatever you like: song lyrics, a single word prompt or a brief scenario (like a quarrel, or the beginning of a relationship etc.). You get the idea.

Thank you for participating in our fic exchange! Have fun!

!round 3 2011!, !sign-ups!

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